Is it a sign? This picture has won a top photography prize — but it owes its effect as much to its symbolism as it does to a good eye and technical expertise.
The mystical power of a white bear dreaming
Is it a sign? This picture has won a top photography prize - but it owes its effect as much to its symbolism as it does to a good eye and technical expertise.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Polar energies</h2>
Bright blue jellyfish in Norway, illuminated by the Northern LightsA natural light display of bright colours in the sky seen in areas close to the North Pole. . A murmurationA flock of starlings. of starlings making the shape of a bird over Rome. A pair of lions in Kenya licking their cub. A turtle seeming to smile as a dragonfly lands on its nose. These are four of the stunning photos from the 2024 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.
But there could be no doubt about the winner in the People's Choice category. It was Nima Sarikhani's picture of a polar bear sleeping on a small iceberg.
The head of the Natural History Museum said it allowed us to see the beauty and fragility of our planet.
But there is more to it than that. The photo has a mysterious power which makes you keep looking at it. Here are five theories why a picture of a white bear might strike so deep into our souls.
Animal symbol The white "spirit bear" is a sacred symbol for the Tsimshian people of British ColumbiaA province on the west coast of Canada. More than half of it is covered by forests.. They believe it is a link between our world and places of peace and love.1
Spiritual rituals ShamansPeople who are said to have special powers to interact with good and evil spirits. see polar bears as guardians in animal form which appear when we are feeling insecure.2
Inuits' intuition For Eskimo and InuitGroups of indigenous peoples living in the Arctic and subarctic regions. people, the polar bear represents ancient wisdom. Its white fur symbolises purity of spirit.3
Paw positivity According to Yvette Miller, writing on Dreamapp, dreaming of a white bear brings spiritual insight: "The white bear is a positive symbol, indicating you have a clear vision of a situation or challenge in your waking life."
Recurring creature In 1863 the great Russian novelist Fyodor DostoevskyA 19th Century Russian novelist who explored human psychology in his works. wrote: "Try to set yourself this task: not to think of a polar bear. And you will see that the cursed thing will come to mind every minute." In the 1980s a professor of psychologyThe scientific study of the mind and behaviour. , Daniel Wegner, carried out an experiment at Harvard UniversityOne of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the USA. which proved this to be true.4
Is it a sign?
Yes: Of course it is. The white bear, exhausted with the struggle for survival, is dreaming a better world into existence. This is a manifestationAn event or object that clearly shows an idea. of hope and the beginning of a new age.
No: It is just a photo. It is a human characteristic to look for meaning in things, and we often think we have found it when there is nothing there. That is why fortune tellers get away with peddling nonsense.
Or... The photo of the turtle and the dragonfly is an equally potentHaving great power, influence or effect. image. It pairs an animal that lives for decades with one that lives for a few weeks, summing up the fragility of existence.
Northern Lights - A natural light display of bright colours in the sky seen in areas close to the North Pole.
Murmuration - A flock of starlings.
British Columbia - A province on the west coast of Canada. More than half of it is covered by forests.
Shamans - People who are said to have special powers to interact with good and evil spirits.
Inuit - Groups of indigenous peoples living in the Arctic and subarctic regions.
Fyodor Dostoevsky - A 19th Century Russian novelist who explored human psychology in his works.
Psychology - The scientific study of the mind and behaviour.
Harvard University - One of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the USA.
Manifestation - An event or object that clearly shows an idea.
Potent - Having great power, influence or effect.
The mystical power of a white bear dreaming

Northern Lights - A natural light display of bright colours in the sky seen in areas close to the North Pole.
Murmuration - A flock of starlings.
British Columbia - A province on the west coast of Canada. More than half of it is covered by forests.
Shamans - People who are said to have special powers to interact with good and evil spirits.
Inuit - Groups of indigenous peoples living in the Arctic and subarctic regions.
Fyodor Dostoevsky - A 19th Century Russian novelist who explored human psychology in his works.
Psychology - The scientific study of the mind and behaviour.
Harvard University - One of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the USA.
Manifestation - An event or object that clearly shows an idea.
Potent - Having great power, influence or effect.