Over 900 schools use The Day to build key skills such as awareness of global issues, literacy, oracy, debate and critical thinking.
With a presence in over 70 countries, The Day’s effectiveness is supported by multiple case studies and endorsements.
Read the testimonials below to learn how your school can benefit from using The Day.
Literacy and reading
Young people don’t read enough at home on the whole I also think that they don’t get enough practice at discussing and debating important issues. The articles in The Day are perfect for this.
Reading has been a whole-school priority for the past two years and Ofsted praised the programme we have introduced to ensure regular reading across the school. The Day is an important part of this.
I have tried it out on a few (reluctant reader) students over the last 24hrs – their response ... 'It's way better than reading'. They didn't even realise they were actually reading – they were just so engaged with what they were doing.
Having the versatility of five different reading levels has been invaluable in both stretching our more able and supporting our weaker readers.
News Detectives
I found the [News Detectives] sheets an excellent resource for supporting critical thinking and current affairs in the library. The Build the Change section would be a great extension activity for homework.
The children were really engaged with [News Detectives], and feedback was brilliant from all children (definitely a first!). Children were ‘building on’ and challenging each other’s ideas and as a result, discussions were really rich.
Supporting the curriculum
The Day supports schools in meeting the Ofsted requirements around Personal Development [...] using The Day can help schools to challenge students to think critically about the world they live in and develop the skills to prepare them to be successful, engaged citizens.
Our aim is to shape confident, well informed, literate students who are global citizens and The Day helps us deliver a curriculum that supports these aims.
From navigating discussion of world conflict, exploring exciting scientific discoveries and opening up class debate- The Day really does enrich our students' studies.
The differentiated levels are a fantastic feature, giving accessibility for all levels of literacy skill. This high quality, multimedia resource is used for research, curriculum support and fun interaction in Tutor Group time.
Form time
My tutor team are big fans of it, they really do enjoy it because it's no effort for them…there's no planning required from a teacher and it reduces their workload.
I've found it [The Day] invaluable as both a form tutor and a whole school PSHE co-ordinator. [...] I plan weekly reflective Friday sessions for the whole school based around the theme of the week and the corresponding assembly slides, to promote discussion and develop oracy skills.
What's next?
Why not take a look at the resources The Day offers along with details about how other teachers use The Day in their classrooms?