Is sacrificing one’s life the most powerful act of kindness? Reports say that an elderly priest in Italy gave up his respirator so that a younger man, a stranger, could survive the virus.
No greater love: the priest who gave his life
Is sacrificing one's life the most powerful act of kindness? Reports say that an elderly priest in Italy gave up his respirator so that a younger man, a stranger, could survive the virus.
<h2>True altruism</h2>
It is the opposite of what we are often told to do.
In an emergency on an airplane, the stewards remind us to help ourselves before helping others.
It makes sense. You will not be able to properly look after other people until you yourself are safe.
However, in times of crisis, when moral questions become daily decisions, some incredible individuals opt for the benevolentWell-meaning and kind. ahead of the sensible.
Last week, Father Giuseppe Berardelli, the main priest of CasnigoA comune in the Province of Bergamo in the Italian region of Lombardy. in Northern Italy, died in hospital. He was 72 years old and suffering from Covid-19The official scientific name for the type of coronavirus that swept the world from March 2020..
According to the hospital in LombardyA region in Northern Italy. Its capital is Milan. - one of the places worst hit by coronavirus - his devoted parishionersMembers of the local parish or churchgoing community. had bought him a respiratorMedical equipment that helps a person to breathe more easily. to help him overcome the disease.
And then, so other reports say, he gave it to a younger patient he had never met, in an act of incredible self-sacrifice.
Like thousands of others in Italy, Father Giuseppe Berardelli's boutA short period (of time). of Covid-19 sadly proved to be fatal.
At least 50 Italian priests have now been killed by the coronavirus. On Tuesday, Pope Francis led a prayer for the deceased, praising their "heroic example".
However, one of Father Giuseppe's friends has denied the respirator donation actually took place.
Nonetheless, the story is incredibly heart-warming and inspiring. It echoes other historical acts of great kindness.
Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish Franciscan friarMember of the Catholic Church practising in the tradition of St Francis of Assisi. He followed the street preaching and poverty of Jesus Christ. imprisoned at AuschwitzNazi death camp where over a million people lost their lives during WW2., offered to be starved to death in the place of another man during a cruel Nazi punishment.
John Robert Fox, a US lieutenant during World War Two, drew German forces to his exact position before calling on his comrades-in-arms to drop artilleryWeapons. on him. This allowed allied troops to move to safety.
Today, the spread of the deadly pandemic has made billions of people around the world give up small freedoms to protect the most vulnerable members of society.
Health workers across the world are risking their lives on a daily basis in order to help others.
One of the first high-profile victims of the coronavirus was Li WenliangA Chinese doctor who messaged fellow medics in December warning of the new virus, but was investigated by police for "spreading rumours" before dying of Covid-19., a doctor who had sought to warn the world of the coming threat.
In the UK, at least one NHS worker is in a critical condition with Covid-19.
Is sacrificing one's life the most powerful act of kindness?
Yes. To give up one's own life so that another can live is the ultimate act of generosity. It is an age-old storyline: from Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi to Bing BongRiley's childhood imaginary friend in the Pixar film, he sacrifices himself to save Riley's emotions, thereby allowing her to grow up. in Inside out. The very thought tugs at the heart-stringsSomething that deeply affects feelings; makes one feel emotional or sentimental. and evokes a selflessness that few will feel capable of. Sacrifice is truly a gift given freely. It is the only act that can expect nothing in return.
Then again, though emotionally powerful, sacrifice also reduces kindness to a single moment. A whole lifetime of virtue and care takes so much more effort and dedication. A single act of kindness can never be as powerful as years of generosity and benevolence. Furthermore, if you are dead, you cannot be sure that the person you want to save is actually saved.
Benevolent - Well-meaning and kind.
Casnigo - A comune in the Province of Bergamo in the Italian region of Lombardy.
Covid-19 - The official scientific name for the type of coronavirus that swept the world from March 2020.
Lombardy - A region in Northern Italy. Its capital is Milan.
Parishioners - Members of the local parish or churchgoing community.
Respirator - Medical equipment that helps a person to breathe more easily.
Bout - A short period (of time).
Franciscan friar - Member of the Catholic Church practising in the tradition of St Francis of Assisi. He followed the street preaching and poverty of Jesus Christ.
Auschwitz - Nazi death camp where over a million people lost their lives during WW2.
Artillery - Weapons.
Li Wenliang - A Chinese doctor who messaged fellow medics in December warning of the new virus, but was investigated by police for "spreading rumours" before dying of Covid-19.
Bing Bong - Riley's childhood imaginary friend in the Pixar film, he sacrifices himself to save Riley's emotions, thereby allowing her to grow up.
Tugs at the heart-strings - Something that deeply affects feelings; makes one feel emotional or sentimental.
No greater love: the priest who gave his life

Benevolent - Well-meaning and kind.
Casnigo - A comune in the Province of Bergamo in the Italian region of Lombardy.
Covid-19 - The official scientific name for the type of coronavirus that swept the world from March 2020.
Lombardy - A region in Northern Italy. Its capital is Milan.
Parishioners - Members of the local parish or churchgoing community.
Respirator - Medical equipment that helps a person to breathe more easily.
Bout - A short period (of time).
Franciscan friar - Member of the Catholic Church practising in the tradition of St Francis of Assisi. He followed the street preaching and poverty of Jesus Christ.
Auschwitz - Nazi death camp where over a million people lost their lives during WW2.
Artillery - Weapons.
Li Wenliang - A Chinese doctor who messaged fellow medics in December warning of the new virus, but was investigated by police for "spreading rumours" before dying of Covid-19.
Bing Bong - Riley's childhood imaginary friend in the Pixar film, he sacrifices himself to save Riley's emotions, thereby allowing her to grow up.
Tugs at the heart-strings - Something that deeply affects feelings; makes one feel emotional or sentimental.