What does the first trial resulting from the Russia probe mean? Paul Manafort, Trump's former campaign manager, stands accused of fraud. But will the investigation affect the president?
Mueller vs Manafort in gripping first trial
What does the first trial resulting from the Russia probe mean? Paul Manafort, Trump's former campaign manager, stands accused of fraud. But will the investigation affect the president?
It is over 13 months since Robert MuellerA former FBI director, Mueller took over the bureau just a week before the 911 attacks. He is a Republican. took over the special counsel investigation into Russia's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election and any links between Vladimir Putin's government and the Trump campaign.
And finally, on Tuesday, the first trial directly resulting from the investigation began.
Yet inside the packed courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia, just outside Washington DC, there was no mention of President Donald Trump or Mueller. The word "Russia" was not even uttered.
The man on trial is Paul Manafort, Trump's 69-year-old former campaign chairman.
Manafort had worked for the Republican Party since 1976. He established deep connections in Washington and around the world, serving as a political lobbyist and consultant for global leaders, including dictators Mobutu Sese SekoWhile president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, he accumulated vast personal wealth, formed an authoritarian regime, and attempted to purge the country of all colonial cultural influence. He was also an anti-communist. The country was known as Zaire during his time in office. of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ferdinand MarcosThe president of the Philippines from 1965 until 1986, Marcos was also notorious for suppressing democracy and shoring up corruption. However, the Philippines made major economic progress during his time in office. of the Philippines.
In a 26-minute opening statement, prosecutor Uzo Asonye accused Manafort of being a "shrewd" liar who orchestrated a global scheme to avoid paying taxes on millions of dollars.
According to Asonye, Manafort lived an "extravagant lifestyle" paid for by a "secret income" that he earned from his lobbying in Ukraine for Viktor Yanukovych, the pro-Russian strongman who was ousted in 2014Yanukovych was ousted in a pro-EU coup in 2014, which led to the Russian annexation of Crimea and the ongoing war in the east of Ukraine between Russian-backed separatists and the Ukrainian army..
Jurors heard how he spent $21,000 on a watch and $15,000 on a jacket made from an ostrich. "A man in this courtroom believed the law did not apply to him," Asonye said.
Manafort's defence lawyer, Thomas Zehnle, positioned his client as a great American success story, "a second-generation immigrantManafort is of Italian descent., first in his family to go to college." "There are two sides to every story," he added.
In this way, the trial seems like many others. Except that it is, as The Washington Post put it, "a set piece in a national political confrontation in which the remaining acts are unwritten."
It is a major embarrassment for the Trump presidency for such an important figure to be brought down like this.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper" id="but-there-is-still-no-direct-trail-from-the-45th-president-to-the-kremlin-does-manafort-s-trial-really-matter">But there is still no direct trail from the 45th president to the Kremlin. Does Manafort's trial really matter?</h5>
At the very least, it shows that Trump surrounded himself with dodgy people, say some. Manafort's time in charge of the Trump campaign came when Republican policy was changing in Russia's favour. He was close to some of Putin's greatest allies. It all seems like a precursor to something bigger.
Nonsense! reply others. Mueller has run this investigation for over a year, and what have we got? One dodgy adviser accused of fraud dating back to before anyone thought Trump could become president. Surely this is all very disappointing for people who want to see Trump impeached for colluding with Russia?
Robert Mueller - A former FBI director, Mueller took over the bureau just a week before the 911 attacks. He is a Republican.
Mobutu Sese Seko - While president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, he accumulated vast personal wealth, formed an authoritarian regime, and attempted to purge the country of all colonial cultural influence. He was also an anti-communist. The country was known as Zaire during his time in office.
Ferdinand Marcos - The president of the Philippines from 1965 until 1986, Marcos was also notorious for suppressing democracy and shoring up corruption. However, the Philippines made major economic progress during his time in office.
Ousted in 2014 - Yanukovych was ousted in a pro-EU coup in 2014, which led to the Russian annexation of Crimea and the ongoing war in the east of Ukraine between Russian-backed separatists and the Ukrainian army.
Second-generation immigrant - Manafort is of Italian descent.
Mueller vs Manafort in gripping first trial

Robert Mueller - A former FBI director, Mueller took over the bureau just a week before the 911 attacks. He is a Republican.
Mobutu Sese Seko - While president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, he accumulated vast personal wealth, formed an authoritarian regime, and attempted to purge the country of all colonial cultural influence. He was also an anti-communist. The country was known as Zaire during his time in office.
Ferdinand Marcos - The president of the Philippines from 1965 until 1986, Marcos was also notorious for suppressing democracy and shoring up corruption. However, the Philippines made major economic progress during his time in office.
Ousted in 2014 - Yanukovych was ousted in a pro-EU coup in 2014, which led to the Russian annexation of Crimea and the ongoing war in the east of Ukraine between Russian-backed separatists and the Ukrainian army.
Second-generation immigrant - Manafort is of Italian descent.