Is imagination a muscle? A fascinating book seeks to teach readers the ways of the creative mind. For its writer, imaginative genius is something any of us can have — if only we train hard enough.
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Is imagination a muscle? A fascinating book seeks to teach readers the ways of the creative mind. For its writer, imaginative genius is something any of us can have - if only we train hard enough.
Many of our earliest myths warn against the dangerous power of imagination.
The ancient Greek TitanA family of giants in Greek mythology, used today to describe a person or thing that is very strong or important. Prometheus was said to have defied the gods by stealing fire and giving it to humanity, allowing them to develop new knowledge.1
His gift, read by many today as the gift of imagination, led to a hefty punishment of eternalLasting forever. torment from the furious gods.
Many of humanity's origin stories have the same themes. Imagination is at the centre of what it means to be human, but it can also be a dangerous tool.
In a hallmark book, writer Albert Read has a refreshing new take, describing imagination as a skill that can transform the world, bring personal success, and make you feel closer to others.
And he is optimistic that any of us can master it. Much like you might go to the gym to develop your biceps, Read says that imagination can be grown with training and hard work.
It is tempting to believe him. Read, the managing director of Conde Nast which oversees a number of businesses such as Vogue, GQ and Vanity Fair, appears to be a model of success. But his idea that imagination can be trained by anyone challenges centuries-old ideas.
In antiquityThe ancient past, especially before the Middle Ages. , it was believed that great ideas were given as a gift from the gods, and were not a product of the human mind.
During the EnlightenmentAn intellectual movement of the eighteenth Century that ruthlessly criticised religion, traditions and inherited privilege. period, imagination was regarded as unnecessary. Francis Bacon scorned it for its uselessness in the pursuit of science, whilst DescartesRene Descartes was a 17th Century French philosopher, scientist and mathematician. said it was "in no way necessary to my essence".
With Romanticism, imagination was the principal quality of the artistic genius: "the artist's feeling is his law," asserted Caspar David Friedrich.
But imagination has rarely been viewed before as something both practically useful and fair. Many have seen creative genius as mysteriously predeterminedDecided in advance, and unable to be changed., rather than as a skill that any of us could gain.
<h5 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper" id="question"><strong>Is imagination a muscle?</strong></h5>
Yes: We can train ourselves to do anything, and training the imagination is no exception. Just like with other muscles, some may have a genetic advantage, but with hard work any one of us can improve our imaginative capabilities.
No: It is in the nature of creativity that it should be spontaneous, and not carefully manufactured. You can train your intelligence to learn more ideas, but in reality it is just imitation.
Or... It is neither one thing or the other. Some are born with a greater propensity for imagination and may not need to train it, but it is important to appreciate that even if you are not naturally imaginative, everything is not lost!
Titan - A family of giants in Greek mythology, used today to describe a person or thing that is very strong or important.
Eternal - Lasting forever.
Antiquity - The ancient past, especially before the Middle Ages.
Enlightenment - An intellectual movement of the eighteenth Century that ruthlessly criticised religion, traditions and inherited privilege.
Descartes - Rene Descartes was a 17th Century French philosopher, scientist and mathematician.
Predetermined - Decided in advance, and unable to be changed.
How to win friends and have more good ideas

Titan - A family of giants in Greek mythology, used today to describe a person or thing that is very strong or important.
Eternal - Lasting forever.
Antiquity - The ancient past, especially before the Middle Ages.
Enlightenment - An intellectual movement of the eighteenth Century that ruthlessly criticised religion, traditions and inherited privilege.
Descartes - René Descartes was a 17th Century French philosopher, scientist and mathematician.
Predetermined - Decided in advance, and unable to be changed.