Does Britain need the Beeb? The national broadcaster is firefighting yet another crisis. Some think it is past time to reform it root and branch — or put it out of its misery.
Hard questions for the BBC as crisis unfolds
Does Britain need the Beeb? The national broadcaster is firefighting yet another crisis. Some think it is past time to reform it root and branch - or put it out of its misery.
One unnamed BBC presenter. One teenager whom he allegedly paid more than £35,000 for sexual images. One distraught mother who says her child used the money to fund a drug habit that "destroyed" their life.
Put it all together, and you get a terrible human tragedy. You also get a new headache for the UK's troubled national broadcaster.
The mother of the alleged victim has said that she first complained to the BBCThe British Broadcasting Corporation is the UK's national broadcaster. in May. However, the organisation did not suspend the presenter until this weekend.
The crisis has crystallised a longer-term problem for the BBC. Criticisms of the organisation have been mounting for some years. Critics on both left and right say it is biasedUnfairly showing dislike or like. . Others say it is too easily influenced by the government.
Another group says the BBC is simply out of date. They think there is no point in a public broadcaster in the modern world, when most people prefer to watch on-demand streaming services like Netflix.
Viewing figures also make sobering reading. Its top news programme, BBC News, has lost 9% of its viewers in the last year.1
So what might be the alternative? One organisation, the Media Reform Campaign, says the BBC needs to be reorganised into a People's BBC.
It thinks the BBC should be much more democratic. Local people should be allowed to decide which programmes are broadcast.
But others think the BBC is already stronger than ever. In 2022, BBC programming had half a billion viewers in 200 different countries.2
One reason for its success, they argue, is that it has always done a good job of appealing to a variety of audiences. It is willing to spend money on lots of different types of programmes.
If ordinary people were invited to participate in the process, they argue, this diversity could be lost.
Does Britain need the Beeb?
Yes: This is a passing crisis of the kind that the BBC has faced down before. Despite its difficulties, it is one of the country's most trusted institutions. Britain should not risk destroying its reputation with rash reforms.
No: The BBC has lost its legitimacyWhen a ruler or institution has the right to lead or rule. . It faces a new crisis every other week, and it is haemorrhagingLosing a huge amount. In medicine, it refers to a severe loss of blood ("haima" is the Greek word for blood). viewers. It is based on an outmoded funding model. It is time to pull the plug.
Or... The BBC has survived as long as it has because it adapts to changing circumstances. Whatever comes of this latest crisis, it will change because it always has to.
BBC - The British Broadcasting Corporation is the UK's national broadcaster.
Biased - Unfairly showing dislike or like.
Legitimacy - When a ruler or institution has the right to lead or rule.
Haemorrhaging - Losing a huge amount. In medicine, it refers to a severe loss of blood ("haima" is the Greek word for blood).
Hard questions for the BBC as crisis unfolds
BBC - The British Broadcasting Corporation is the UK's national broadcaster.
Biased - Unfairly showing dislike or like.
Legitimacy - When a ruler or institution has the right to lead or rule.
Haemorrhaging - Losing a huge amount. In medicine, it refers to a severe loss of blood ("haima" is the Greek word for blood).