Robert Louis Stevenson's dark novellaA long short story or short novel. tells of a scientist's haunting search for the truth of human nature. People, says Dr Jekyll, are "commingled out of good and evil". But his attempts to separate the two sides cause him to be consumed by a devilish, murderous alter egoAn alternative self. called Mr Hyde. The idea that pure darkness could lurk beneath the most civilised personality was particularly chilling for Victorian readers.
Jekyll and Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson's dark novellaA long short story or short novel. tells of a scientist's haunting search for the truth of human nature. People, says Dr Jekyll, are "commingled out of good and evil". But his attempts to separate the two sides cause him to be consumed by a devilish, murderous alter egoAn alternative self. called Mr Hyde. The idea that pure darkness could lurk beneath the most civilised personality was particularly chilling for Victorian readers.
<h2 class="eplus-Xw9D5T wp-block-heading has-black-color has-text-color eplus-wrapper">The scientist out to rewrite the human story</h2>
In his search to understand the depths of human psychology, Dr Jekyll comes to view humanity as having a dual nature, capable of both good and evil. Is this still how we see ourselves?
Do we suffer from an evolution delusion? A top professor caused a stir by attacking the traditional theory that evolution represents progress. He wants the famous image abolished.
Are humans unique? One of the greatest writers on this theme, Kazuo Ishiguro, will publish a new novel about artificial intelligence, human nature and the meaning of love.
Are people at their best in a crisis? Dutch historian Rutger Bregman thinks so, and he believes we have a persistent habit of ignoring the evidence that human nature is fundamentally good.
Mr Hyde is a manifestationAn event or object that clearly shows an idea. of evil - but he is unleashed from within the morally upstanding Victorian citizen, Dr Jekyll. Over a century has passed, but the problem of evil still haunts modern society.
Should there be an age limit to prosecutions? Josef S was 21 when he first became a guard at Sachsenhausen in 1942. At the age of 100, he was on trial for assisting in the murder of 3,518 prisoners.
Is Facebook an evil business? One of the world's wealthiest companies faced fierce criticism after leaked documents revealed officials ignored mental health fears.
Are cryptocurrencies evil? Many think digital currency is doomed after China clamped down on Bitcoin - but others still believe they can revolutionise the global economy.
The novella features two acts of brutal violence: first, a small girl is trampled under Mr Hyde's feet. Later, he beats the innocent Sir Danvers Carew to death in the middle of the street. Why do we remain fascinated by murder?
Can new laws stop this evil? A British policeman got a life sentence for killing an innocent young woman. The case has shone a light on a worsening global atrocity.
<h2 class="eplus-jFWHhP wp-block-heading has-black-color has-text-color eplus-wrapper">A fable in search of a great humane vision</h2>
What lies behind our fascination with true crime? It is fear? Swedish police have just called a halt to a long-running murder investigation which drove amateur sleuths to the point of madness.
Today, female characters can be bold, brave and strong - but what about violent? Killing Eve, which dominated the BAFTAs, is a story of complex women who are as bloodthirsty as any man.
Dr Jekyll's ambitious, philosophical approach to science causes a rift between him and his rational friend, Dr Lanyon. Science continues to push boundaries - and to create some of the most complex ethical dilemmas.
Should gain-of-function research be banned? Spending on scientific research that splices deadly viruses to make them more transmissible is under scrutiny amid safety concerns.
Are we becoming stupider? When AI applies a model that no human can understand, does that advance knowledge? Or, for the first time ever, does that mean that knowledge is receding?
Are scientists playing with fire? Experts in Beijing have announced a new breakthrough that could revolutionise the way we store information - or end life on Earth as we know it.
The twisting metropolis of Britain's capital has its own duality to contend with throughout the story: the lively centre of a wealthy empire by day, it transforms into a dangerous, nightmarish city at night.
Do we need a new way of living? For decades, metropolises have done nothing but sprawl outwards. But now, there are proposals to create small, super-convenient cities.
Does nature always heal in the end? Seals, dolphins and porpoises are thriving in the Thames again. It is a stunning turnaround for a river that was once considered beyond saving.
Should there be a new memorial for ordinary heroes? Tributes to the bravery of Folajimi Olubunmi-Adewole poured in after his death, prompting a debate about how to remember him.
Novella - A long short story or short novel.
Alter ego - An alternative self.
Manifestation - An event or object that clearly shows an idea.
Jekyll and Hyde

Novella - A long short story or short novel.
Alter ego - An alternative self.
Manifestation - An event or object that clearly shows an idea.