Children given seat at the table at COP27
Can children save the world? World leaders are gathering in Egypt to find solutions to the climate crisis. And this
year, they will be listening to the ideas of young people.
Everywhere you look, there is something happening at the COP27 climate meeting in Egypt. In one corner, scientists are sharing ideas. In another corner, politicians are greeting each other and running through agreements. And this year, for the first time, there is an official space for children too. At the Children and Youth Pavilion, young people will be able to hold their own discussions. Each day of the conference has a
special focus. This Thursday is Youth and Future Generations Day. Youth activists will sit down for official talks with negotiators and share their worries, demands and solutions for the climate crisis.
The adults that organised the UN conference are making a special effort to show they value the ideas of young people. For years, scientists and politicians have been trying to find solutions to climate change. So far, they have failed. But in the past few years, children have been showing the world that they care. Fifteen-year-old Greta Thunberg started a worldwide movement when she skipped school to hold a protest outside
the Swedish parliament. And Russell Raymond, 17, uses photography to show the impacts of a violent hurricane on his home island of Dominica.

Build the Change Challenge
Today, leaders at COP27 will be discussing water security. In this challenge, you will design a new tool that will make sure everyone has access to clean drinking water, no matter where they live.
Step 1: Think about your design. Will it include a well, or a machine that can turn saltwater or river water into drinking water? Where in the world will your tool be used?
Step 2: Create your design! You can draw a picture of it, or if you have time use LEGO® bricks and craft materials to make a real-life version of your life-saving device.
See what other builders made