Can art change the world? Ayo Akingbade’s short films shine a light on the lives of people who live in cities.
The artist of life, love and loss
Can art change the world? Ayo Akingbade's short films shine a light on the lives of people who live in cities.
A woman bites into a watermelon. Three girls take a lift in London's Trellick TowerA tower block on a housing estate in London that opened in 1972. It is famous for its brutalist architectural style. , then roll tyres across an empty playground.
These are scenes from Ayo Akingbade's short film Tower XYZ. Made when Akingbade was 22, it was given a special mention at a film festival in Germany. In the eight years since then she has been widely praised and held shows at famous galleries.
Akingbade was born in London to NigerianFrom Nigeria, Africa's most populated nation. parents. As a film student, "I was ready to shake up the world," she said.
But it took her a while. "I'm from HackneyAn area of London that neighbours Tower Hamlets. - I didn't grow up in this environmentThe natural world. where I'm the only Black person. I didn't even know I was poor."
She refused to give up. Now she has made 17 short films.
Hackney is central to her work. She particularly worries about the effect on local people of plans to improve the area.
Akingbade has also found inspiration on Nigeria. The Fist tracks the working day at a factoryA building where goods are put together or made. 20 miles from LagosNigeria's largest city..
Discussing Tower XYZ Akingbade says: "Some have said it's a call to action. I would say it's just about existing."
Can art change the world?
Yes! It can make people feel strong emotionsFeelings, such as anger or joy. and get them to act. Reading words on a page will never have the same effect as a film or piece of art.
No! Only politics, economics and war can change the world. Art can only ever make you feel better.
Trellick Tower - A tower block on a housing estate in London that opened in 1972. It is famous for its brutalist architectural style.
Nigerian - From Nigeria, Africa's most populated nation.
Hackney - An area of London that neighbours Tower Hamlets.
Environment - The natural world.
Factory - A building where goods are put together or made.
Lagos - Nigeria's largest city.
Emotions - Feelings, such as anger or joy.
The artist of life, love and loss

Trellick Tower - A tower block on a housing estate in London that opened in 1972. It is famous for its brutalist architectural style.
Nigerian - From Nigeria, Africa's most populated nation.
Hackney - An area of London that neighbours Tower Hamlets.
Environment - The natural world.
Factory - A building where goods are put together or made.
Lagos - Nigeria's largest city.
Emotions - Feelings, such as anger or joy.