Our vision is for every young person to find their voice.

We believe that making lessons out of news gives young people the knowledge and confidence to think for themselves and believe in themselves.

Boy voicing his views in front of a microphone
Little boy lying on his front, reading a book, kicking is legs back

What happens next is a kind of magic.

Pupils read because they want to. (Even the reluctant ones).
They see that lessons aren’t irrelevant after all. (Even the boring stuff).
They learn to listen. (Even the loud ones).
They go on their first march. (Even in the rain).
They start inventing solutions. (Even a few that work).
They find their voice. (Even the shy ones).
The grown-ups get interested. (Even the busy ones).
Disconnected facts start making sense. (Even the weird ones).

We coach life’s most important skills by using the real world as our teacher.



Our story