Is the world still made for men? From football boots to office space, smartphones to crash test dummies, many things are designed with men in mind. Some think change is needed.
Growing outrage over 'one-size-fits-men'
Is the world still made for men? From football boots to office space, smartphones to crash test dummies, many things are designed with men in mind. Some think change is needed.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">What's happening? </h2>
Women's football has become a dangerous game. Many of the sport's brightest stars have suffered big injuries. The problem may be on their feet.
More than four in five top female players say their boots are not comfortable. There are not many football boots made for women. So many use boots made for men. Scientists now think women who wear men's football boots are more likely to be injured.
The problem is not just football boots. The buildings and cities we live in and the tools we use are mostly designed by, for and with men.
The author Caroline Criado Perez wrote about this in her 2019 book Invisible Women. Male inventors are not trying to hurt women. Put simply, they are just forgetting about women when they are making things.
Hardhats are made in men's head sizes. SmartphonesA phone that works in the same way as a computer, with apps, access to the internet and more. are designer for people with bigger hands. Even offices are put to a temperature that is more comfortable for men.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
Is the world still made for men?
Yes! The world has come a long way towards an equal world for women. But it will take a long time to change designs that were made for men.
No! We are now aware of this problem and can make changes. New things will be built for both women and men. And more women are designers and inventors now.
Smartphones - A phone that works in the same way as a computer, with apps, access to the internet and more.
Growing outrage over ‘one-size-fits-men’

Smartphones - A phone that works in the same way as a computer, with apps, access to the internet and more.