Are the Greek myths relevant today? Kaos imagines the gods of Olympus in command of the modern world and facing a crisis in their relationship with humans.
Greek gods show hailed as masterpiece
Are the Greek myths relevant today? Kaos imagines the gods of Olympus in command of the modern world and facing a crisis in their relationship with humans.
"Mortals, I made you," declares ZeusThe king of the gods, known to the Romans as Jupiter., the all-powerful king of the gods. "And this is how you repay me!" Viewing TV footage of a hurricane with delight, he adds: "We need to make destruction really sing!"
Welcome to the wild, highly entertaining world of Kaos.
The drama, which was launched on Thursday, has had rave reviews. Some people have already watched all eight hours of it - though sadly you have to be 15 to view it.
In episode one, Zeus finds a wrinkle on his forehead which reminds him of a terrifying prophecyMaking predictions about what will happen in the future.. It says that his reign will end and chaos will consume the world instead.
As a result he becomes increasingly paranoidBelieving, often with no solid basis, that you are being harassed, betrayed or persecuted by others. and destructive.
Meanwhile, his enemy PrometheusA god of fire in Greek mythology. - played by Stephen Dillane - is plotting to make the prophecy come true. His scheme makes use both of humans and of the ghosts in the underworld.
The humans include Orpheus and Riddy. In the original myth, Orpheus is a brilliant musician who journeys into the underworld to bring his wife Eurydice back from the dead.
In Kaos, Orpheus (Killian Scott) is presented as a world-famous rock star whose girlfriend (Aurora Perrineau) is killed in a car crash.
The series is written by the actress Charlie Covell. Her script, according to Lucy Mangan in The Guardian, is "subtle and intricateDetailed and complicated., witty, rigorous, hugely intelligent, funny and brutal".
Adapting myths for the modern day is by no means a new idea. James Joyce's ground-breaking novel Ulysses is one example. It takes the story of the Greek hero's long journey home from TroyAn ancient city in modern-day Turkey. It is the subject of Homer's epic poem The Iliad. After a ten-year siege, the hero Odysseus finally took the city by hiding a group of Greek soldiers in a vast wooden horse, which the Trojans wheeled into their city. This is the origin of the expression "Trojan horse". and sets it in 20th Century Dublin instead.
The recent musical Hades Town is another retelling of the Orpheus legend, though this time the story is set among the American poor.
Last year the BBC radio broadcast Mahabharata Now, a modern-day drama based on the Indian epic.
Are the Greek myths relevant today?
Yes: As Charlie Covell notes, they are "about timeless things like love and power and death and dysfunctionalNot working properly. families". We may not believe in gods any more, but we have all felt at the mercy of powers which are beyond our control.
No: They belong to an age of superstitionA belief or practice that is not entirely based on facts or reality.. The world was a very different place when people believed that thunderbolts were signs of Zeus's anger instead of recognising them as natural events.
Or... There are only a handful of basic stories that humans tell - the person who returns from the underworld like Orpheus being one. So it is not surprising that myths are retold in different forms.
Zeus - The king of the gods, known to the Romans as Jupiter.
Prophecy - Making predictions about what will happen in the future.
Paranoid - Believing, often with no solid basis, that you are being harassed, betrayed or persecuted by others.
Prometheus - A god of fire in Greek mythology.
Intricate - Detailed and complicated.
Troy - An ancient city in modern-day Turkey. It is the subject of Homer's epic poem The Iliad. After a ten-year siege, the hero Odysseus finally took the city by hiding a group of Greek soldiers in a vast wooden horse, which the Trojans wheeled into their city. This is the origin of the expression "Trojan horse".
Dysfunctional - Not working properly.
Superstition - A belief or practice that is not entirely based on facts or reality.
Greek gods show hailed as masterpiece
Zeus - The king of the gods, known to the Romans as Jupiter.
Prophecy - Making predictions about what will happen in the future.
Paranoid - Believing, often with no solid basis, that you are being harassed, betrayed or persecuted by others.
Prometheus - A god of fire in Greek mythology.
Intricate - Detailed and complicated.
Troy - An ancient city in modern-day Turkey. It is the subject of Homer's epic poem The Iliad. After a ten-year siege, the hero Odysseus finally took the city by hiding a group of Greek soldiers in a vast wooden horse, which the Trojans wheeled into their city. This is the origin of the expression "Trojan horse".
Dysfunctional - Not working properly.
Superstition - A belief or practice that is not entirely based on facts or reality.