Vivian Mercier wrote that Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett was a play “in which nothing happens, twice". Both of its two acts show two old men waiting, largely in vain, on a long anonymous road with a single, leafless tree, whiling away time and ennuiA feeling of boredom and dissatisfaction that comes from having nothing to do or no excitement. with a mix of argument and existential despair eloquently expressed. They are going nowhere and receiving nothing. And yet even with this less-than-promising synopsisSummary. , it has captivated audiences since its release 70 years ago, and was once voted “the most significant English-language play of the 20th Century” — despite originally being written in French.
Waiting for Godot
Vivian Mercier wrote that Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett was a play "in which nothing happens, twice". Both of its two acts show two old men waiting, largely in vain, on a long anonymous road with a single, leafless tree, whiling away time and ennuiA feeling of boredom and dissatisfaction that comes from having nothing to do or no excitement. with a mix of argument and existential despair eloquently expressed. They are going nowhere and receiving nothing. And yet even with this less-than-promising synopsisSummary. , it has captivated audiences since its release 70 years ago, and was once voted "the most significant English-language play of the 20th Century" - despite originally being written in French.
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The play is an endlessly-fluctuating thread of wit, mutating from clever wordplay to undisguised nonsense, from lucidityClearness. to sudden forgetfulness. Granted the reader can catch up, it creates absurd humour offset by Beckett's sudden transition into black comedy dealing with darker themes such as suicide and abuse. These shifts throw the audience off kilter. Because of the ambiguous genre of the play, there is no reference point for us to understand whether we should laugh or cry at the horrible treatment of Lucky on stage, for example, which could theoretically be rendered either comic or tragic. There is also humour in dirty jokes and derisive anti-English jokes translated from the original French.
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Waiting for Godot is often classed as a piece of absurdist theatre, dealing with existential questions and grappling with the idea that existence is an act of the most absolute absurdity. Several critics have asserted that it dramatises the futilityPointlessness. of trying to ascribe meaning to human existence, describing the anxieties and hopelessness of modernity in a meaningless universe. It makes continuous Biblical and religious allusionsSomething which is intended to make you think about something else, without saying it directly. , but religion has no clear authority to drag man out of the chronicA condition which recurs over time, or lasts for several years. pain of existence. For Beckett, life is a threadwork of minute sufferings which are an essential part of being alive, and so though Vladimir and Estragon seem not to achieve anything very much aside from waiting, their lives are a clear statement of the loneliness, anxieties and despair of modern man.
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Fundamental isolation is a part of the human experience, Beckett implies, but companionship is also a major theme of this play. Vladimir and Estragon have been together for fifty years and act as sort of symbioticA mutually beneficial close relationship that lasts for a long time. Often used to describe two species of plants and animals that work together to survive. opposites to each other. Meanwhile, Pozzo and Lucky have been together for sixty years. Companionship can offset suffering even if it is just an illusion. Some critics have even interpreted Vladimir and Estragon as an aged homosexual couple who have chosen to waste away the hours together until death.
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The characters' long and futile wait for Godot is streaked with despair, hopelessness and futility. Yet though they consider suicide and Vladimir turns at one point to aggressive rage, they never fully lose their optimism for Godot's arrival. Hope, Beckett suggests, represents the possibility of living life happily and not being cowed by its inherent meaninglessness.
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One critic writes that "the limitation of language as a communicative instrument is one of the major concerns of the theatre of the absurd". Yet although language is fallibleCapable of making mistakes., in Waiting for Godot it is a powerful tool which evokes strong feelings of despair, hope and stagnation. Beckett's use of language is rhythmic, repetitive and contradictory, and he uses devices of monologueA long speech by one person. and soliloquySpeaking thoughts aloud, regardless of whether anyone is listening. to imply that language is inherently private. There are also periods of silence even more profound than language - all of Beckett's plays are punctuated by such "breaks", where language is temporarily boycotted to emphasise its ineffectiveness. Beckett wrote Waiting for Godot in French and translated it himself into English. The choice of a non-native tongue to draft the play may imply that he wanted to be more conscious of the structure, devices and implications of the language whilst writing.
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Ennui - A feeling of boredom and dissatisfaction that comes from having nothing to do or no excitement.
Synopsis - Summary.
Lucidity - Clearness.
Futility - Pointlessness.
Allusions - Something which is intended to make you think about something else, without saying it directly.
Chronic - A condition which recurs over time, or lasts for several years.
Symbiotic - A mutually beneficial close relationship that lasts for a long time. Often used to describe two species of plants and animals that work together to survive.
Fallible - Capable of making mistakes.
Monologue - A long speech by one person.
Soliloquy - Speaking thoughts aloud, regardless of whether anyone is listening.
Waiting for Godot
Ennui - A feeling of boredom and dissatisfaction that comes from having nothing to do or no excitement.
Synopsis - Summary.
Lucidity - Clearness.
Futility - Pointlessness.
Allusions - Something which is intended to make you think about something else, without saying it directly.
Chronic - A condition which recurs over time, or lasts for several years.
Symbiotic - A mutually beneficial close relationship that lasts for a long time. Often used to describe two species of plants and animals that work together to survive.
Fallible - Capable of making mistakes.
Monologue - A long speech by one person.
Soliloquy - Speaking thoughts aloud, regardless of whether anyone is listening.