Should there be a cap? Lord Patten believes that China pressures British universities to ignore criticism of its government. But some think his fears are alarmist.
British values at risk warns uni boss
Should there be a cap? Lord Patten believes that China pressures British universities to ignore criticism of its government. But some think his fears are alarmist.
Outgoing chancellor of Oxford University Chris Patten has a warning for the new government: in an interview with The Telegraph, he says: "when it comes to Chinese students... we actually have to do our part so that we don't [see] the erosionThe breaking down or wearing away of land - e.g. soil and stone. of our values in higher educationEducation after you leave school - such as at a university. ".
Over 150,000 Chinese students currently attend university in Britain. Their higher fees currently contribute around £5.9bn to UK university budgets.
Lord Patten thinks that Chinese students pose a threat to the values that universities should uphold.
The UK government requires schools and universities to teach "fundamental British values", which include the rule of law, individual liberty, democracy and the mutual respect, tolerance and understanding of different faiths and beliefs.
Patten says that pressure from China stops British universities from teaching these values, worrying that otherwise the Chinese government will restrict student numbers and take away a lucrative source of income.
Last year, a UK parliamentary committee found that China had tried to "monitor and control Chinese student's behaviour" at UK universities.
Should there be a cap?
Yes! If British education is to continue to promote freedom, democracy and the rule of law, it cannot allow the Chinese government to influence teaching.
No! If Patten wants to stamp out Chinese interference, he should pressure the UK government to take a firmer stance on academic freedom.
Erosion - The breaking down or wearing away of land - e.g. soil and stone.
Higher education - Education after you leave school - such as at a university.
British values at risk warns uni boss

Erosion - The breaking down or wearing away of land - e.g. soil and stone.
Higher education - Education after you leave school — such as at a university.