Is science a religion? This year has seen a breakthrough bonanza, with scientists revolutionising everything from climate to medicine. Some say these are miracles.
Brilliant breakthroughs: 2023 in science
Is science a religion? This year has seen a breakthrough bonanza, with scientists revolutionising everything from climate to medicine. Some say these are miracles.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
What makes something a miracleSomething amazing or wonderful. It is a very unusual event.? When Jesus turned a few loaves and fish into a meal for thousands, cured diseases and raised people from the dead, people were impressed because they seemed to defy the laws of nature.
These days, it is scientists who seem to be performing miracles. And this year, they have changed our lives in many unbelievable ways.
There have been a huge number of scientific breakthroughs this year. One group of scientists created a new AI model capable of detecting alien life, whilst another group made a thought-decoder which can translate brain activity into text without surgery.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
Medical science brought new hope for victims of Alzheimer's, with a new drug that can slow its onset by around one-third.
And some researchers showed it is possible to capture carbon dioxideCarbon dioxide is a colourless gas formed during the combustion of any material containing carbon and is a significant greenhouse gas. from the atmosphere and convert it into baking soda.
With scientists performing what some think are like modern miracles, it is no wonder some say science has taken the place of religion. But others say that science is based on critical thought, where religion is only based on superstition.
<h5 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper" id="question">Is science a religion?</h5>
Yes! Scientists use special knowledge that we cannot access in order to perform miracles that keep us in awe. They are like priests.
No! Science is based on being critical and using evidence to make discoveries. It could not be further from religion.
Miracle - Something amazing or wonderful. It is a very unusual event.
Carbon dioxide - Carbon dioxide is a colourless gas formed during the combustion of any material containing carbon and is a significant greenhouse gas.
Brilliant breakthroughs: 2023 in science
Miracle - Something amazing or wonderful. It is a very unusual event.
Carbon dioxide - Carbon dioxide is a colourless gas formed during the combustion of any material containing carbon and is a significant greenhouse gas.