Fresh daily stories to inspire a love of reading

Opening up the conversation in the classroom

Helping young people to think for themselves
Some headaches we help you solve
How do I find great Form Time resources with no time to prepare?
The Day uses the big worldwide news stories to create exciting classroom debates and activities daily — for all ages and ability groups.
How do I interest all my students?
We have something for everyone. Our stories cover everything from politics and climate to space and culture.
How do I engage reluctant readers?
“It’s better than reading!” said one group after using The Day. All our stories come in five reading levels to cater for different skill levels.
How do I teach all-important oracy skills?
The Day encourages speaking and listening through a daily practice of discussion and debate in class.
How do I talk about sensitive topics in the news?
We cannot hide the truth from children. But The Day’s reporting is accurate, age-appropriate, reassuring and solutions-focused.
How do I include news literacy and critical thinking in my teaching?
Our stories prompt students to question both their sources and their opinions, promoting a habit of thinking for yourself.
How do I help children with anxiety and stress?
We offer free lessons on teenage mental health, based on scientific research and created with experts from the University of Oxford.
How do I prove that what you learn at school is relevant to real life?
The Day uses real-world news to connect the wider world to the school curriculum. It shows classroom topics in action.
How do I include citizenship in my teaching?
The Day engages students with real-world issues and encourages them to develop informed opinions.