Could ET be real? 2023 has seen moon landings, asteroid samples, comets and crashes. But some think it might be a watershed year in the search for alien life.
Aliens, asteroids and atoms: 2023 in space
Could ET be real? 2023 has seen moon landings, asteroid samples, comets and crashes. But some think it might be a watershed year in the search for alien life.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper" id="crosshead"><strong>Space is the place</strong></h2>
Did you take your seat for the greatest show in the universe? Last night, people around the world watched the Geminids, nicknamed the "king of meteor showersA celestial event in which a number of meteors are observed to radiate, or originate, from one point in the night sky.." Skywatchers could see up to 150 meteors an hour streaking across the sky.
It capped a dramatic year for astronomy and space exploration. SpaceXFounded in 2002 by South African entrepreneur Elon Musk, SpaceX's mission is to reduce the cost of space transportation to make possible the colonisation of Mars.'s Starship, billed as the most powerful rocket ever built, was launched in April. It fell into the sea.
There were great successes. In June, Richard BransonHis businesses have included Virgin Records, Virgin Trains and the space-tourism company Virgin Galactic.'s Virgin Galactic started taking tourists on rides to space.1 In September, India became the fourth country to place a spacecraft on the moon, and the first to land near its south pole.2
Also in autumn, NASAThe National Aeronautics and Space Administration, responsible for the US space programme. received its first batch of asteroidA small body in space, made of metal and rock material. Asteroids usually orbit the sun, but if knocked off course they can be drawn into Earth's gravity and fall towards it. matter for study, courtesy of its OSIRIS-REx spacecraft. The sample from the 4.5 billion-year old asteroid Bennu has been found to contain carbon and water.
2023 might be seen as a landmark year for asteroid exploration. NASA also sent off a vessel named Psyche, which aims to travel to a unique metal-rich asteroid between Mars and Jupiter.
Yet perhaps the most thrilling discovery came late last month. Researchers revealed "the perfect solar systemThe Sun and the objects whose movement it controls.". HD110067, 100 light yearsA unit of measurement equal to the distance that light travels in one year, which is 9.4607 times 1012 km. That's nearly 6 million million miles! from us, features six similarly-sized planets that rotate in sync.3 They might teach us much about how planets are formed.
Even more excitingly, the bright star at the centre of the system also makes it easier to look for signs of life. HD110067 might well be the place where we finally find alien lifeforms.
Humans have long been fascinated by the idea of life on other planets. But we have found very little evidence so far.
2023 could be the year the tide turns. As astronomerA scientist that studies the universe and space. Prof. Catherine Heymans says: "We now have the technology and the capability to answer the question of whether we are alone in the cosmosThe universe, especially when it is understood as an ordered system.."
The OSIRIS-REx and Psyche missions are seeking organicRelating to or derived from living matter. substances. They might provide further clues. And in September the JWBT may have discovered dimethyl sulphide (DMS) on a faraway planet - a chemical only produced by living creatures.4
Not everyone agrees we will, or even that life exists. Some scientists think that if aliens exist, someone would have called us by now. 2023 could be the year we started to realise the search for aliens was a dead end.5
Could ET be real?
Yes: It is only a matter of time. From watery asteroids to DMS, the evidence is piling up at an unprecedentedNever been seen before. pace. The idea that only one planet in an infinite universe contains life was always absurd.
No: We want there to be life in space. It will bring excitement and help to explain our own existence. But we have no proof. And if it does exist, it may be very different from what we expect.
Or... It does not matter whether ET, or any alien life, is real or not. What matters is the search itself, which brings new discoveries about space and chemicals. And fuels our imagination.
Meteor showers - A celestial event in which a number of meteors are observed to radiate, or originate, from one point in the night sky.
SpaceX - Founded in 2002 by South African entrepreneur Elon Musk, SpaceX's mission is to reduce the cost of space transportation to make possible the colonisation of Mars.
Richard Branson - His businesses have included Virgin Records, Virgin Trains and the space-tourism company Virgin Galactic.
Nasa - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, responsible for the US space programme.
Asteroid - A small body in space, made of metal and rock material. Asteroids usually orbit the sun, but if knocked off course they can be drawn into Earth's gravity and fall towards it.
Solar System - The Sun and the objects whose movement it controls.
Light years - A unit of measurement equal to the distance that light travels in one year, which is 9.4607 times 1012 km. That's nearly 6 million million miles!
Astronomer - A scientist that studies the universe and space.
Cosmos - The universe, especially when it is understood as an ordered system.
Organic - Relating to or derived from living matter.
Unprecedented - Never been seen before.
Aliens, asteroids and atoms: 2023 in space

Meteor showers - A celestial event in which a number of meteors are observed to radiate, or originate, from one point in the night sky.
SpaceX - Founded in 2002 by South African entrepreneur Elon Musk, SpaceX's mission is to reduce the cost of space transportation to make possible the colonisation of Mars.
Richard Branson - His businesses have included Virgin Records, Virgin Trains and the space-tourism company Virgin Galactic.
Nasa - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, responsible for the US space programme.
Asteroid - A small body in space, made of metal and rock material. Asteroids usually orbit the sun, but if knocked off course they can be drawn into Earth’s gravity and fall towards it.
Solar System - The Sun and the objects whose movement it controls.
Light years - A unit of measurement equal to the distance that light travels in one year, which is 9.4607 times 1012 km. That's nearly 6 million million miles!
Astronomer - A scientist that studies the universe and space.
Cosmos - The universe, especially when it is understood as an ordered system.
Organic - Relating to or derived from living matter.
Unprecedented - Never been seen before.