Are tech companies killing the arts? A group of thousands of high-profile creatives is campaigning to win back their intellectual property from the gobbling robots.
AI protest by 10,500 creative leaders
Are tech companies killing the arts? A group of thousands of high-profile creatives is campaigning to win back their intellectual property from the gobbling robots.
In the alternative universe of Kazuo Ishiguro's book Never Let Me Go, children at an eerie boarding school find out that they are clonesAn identical copy of a living organism., created so their organs can be harvested for use by real humans. They are thought to be soullessLacking character., but a compassionate teacher believes this to be untrue, as the cloned children produce art.
Ishiguro is one of more than 10,500 creative individuals to have signed a letter condemning the mass "unlicensed use of creative works" to develop artificial intelligence systems such as ChatGPT.
Among the other signatoriesPeople who have signed something. For example, there were 59 signatories to Charles I's death warrant; eight were hung, drawn, and quartered after the restoration of the monarchy, while some (already dead) had their bodies dug up and their heads put on spikes. are Radiohead's Thom Yorke and the actress Julianne Moore. In their letter, they call the use of unlicensed creative work for training AI "a major, unjust threat to the livelihoods of the people behind those works".
This unlicensed use is called "scraping" - when AI-powered models and tools are trained by gobbling huge amounts of pre-existing data, courtesy of the big tech companies hosting this data.
It is scary to think of a future where humans are no longer creative, generativeHas the power to create or produce. beings. Even more so to think of our great artists being replaced by machines.
Are tech companies killing the arts?
Yes! Not only are tech companies stealing the work of millions of people without their consent to develop AI, they are also stealing jobs in the creative industry.
No! AI-generated art is a wonderful thing. We can have anything we want at the tip of our fingertips, an amalgamation of all of our greatest works made in mere seconds.
Clones - An identical copy of a living organism.
Soulless - Lacking character.
Signatories - People who have signed something. For example, there were 59 signatories to Charles I's death warrant; eight were hung, drawn, and quartered after the restoration of the monarchy, while some (already dead) had their bodies dug up and their heads put on spikes.
Generative - Has the power to create or produce.
AI protest by 10,500 creative leaders

Clones - An identical copy of a living organism.
Soulless - Lacking character.
Signatories - People who have signed something. For example, there were 59 signatories to Charles I's death warrant; eight were hung, drawn, and quartered after the restoration of the monarchy, while some (already dead) had their bodies dug up and their heads put on spikes.
Generative - Has the power to create or produce.