Is the Handmaid’s Tale author a prophet? The highly respected novelist and poet Margaret Atwood foresees a violent dictatorship in the US if Trump returns to power.
Trump will turn on Musk says Atwood
Is the Handmaid's Tale author a prophet? The highly respected novelist and poet Margaret Atwood foresees a violent dictatorship in the US if Trump returns to power.
Margaret AtwoodCanadian novelist whose best-known book is The Handmaid's Tale. is deeply worried about the US presidential election: "You have a choice between somebody who without a doubt... will impose a vengefulSeeking revenge. tyrannyCruel and aggressive use of power, often used to describe countries under the grip of a single oppressive leader., and another person who wouldn't.
"You get dictatorshipsA form of government in which one person possesses all the power without any limits. when times are bad and chaotic, because people are willing to trade in their democraticA democratic election is one where all eligible citizens are free to vote, where votes are counted fairly and all political parties have fair and free access to communicate with voters. rights for somebody who says they can fix it."1
At 84, Atwood is revered by many as a writer who can see the future. Her 1985 novel The Handmaid's Tale foresaw an America in which men controlled women's bodies. Two years ago the US supreme courtThe highest court within the hierarchy of courts in most legal jurisdictions. overturned women's right to an abortionThe deliberate ending of a pregnancy. .
Her collection of poems Paper Boat, published today, includes one from 1964 called After the Flood, We. It warns of climate-change disaster - and of humans' ability to ignore it.
She has now written about what a Trump victory might bring: "To paraphraseRewording someone else's words. Often done to make their meaning clearer. his own words: you need a time of extreme violence and blood."
Its targets will include: "Any Republican who has opposed Trump's will at any time... Leading Democrats, it goes without saying.
"Also included will be those who even vaguely resemble an undocumented immigrant. Anyone with a gun will be enabled to shoot them."
Then there will be those within Trump's MAGAMake America Great Again. The slogan was a key part of Trump's election campaign in 2016. movement who think they can control him as a puppet - including Elon MuskA South African-born entrepreneur whose companies have included the online payment service PayPal. He now controls Twitter, renamed 'X'.. Atwood makes a comparison with Hitler's supporters who were murdered in the Night of the Long KnivesA purge in Nazi Germany in summer 1934. Hitler ordered a series of killings of other Nazi leaders to sure up his power. .
But Atwood does not claim to know everything. "I'm the great sageOne of Jung's archetypes. The Sage is a symbol of wisdom, knowledge and power. They are often represented as a mentor or teacher. on top of the mountain," she says jokingly. "If you've lived to a certain age people think you know something because they haven't got there yet."
And she believes there is hope. She points out that every generation has thought itself to be facing the end of the world, and calls hope a "come with": "It comes with being human."
Is the Handmaid's Tale author a prophet?
Yes: She has already shown herself ahead of her time with regard to women's rights and the environment. Her novel Oryx and Crake, published in 2003, imagines a pandemic which devastates the world.
No: She just happens to be highly imaginative, intelligent and good at writing. Authors of dystopianRelating to an imagined society where there is great suffering or injustice. novels like to come up with terrible scenarios, but do not necessarily believe they will come to pass.
Or... Even if she is not, we should treat her writing as a warning. There is nothing to lose if we prepare for the worst, and a great deal to lose if we are not willing to contemplate it.
Paper Boat: New and Selected Poems 1961-2023 by Margaret Atwood is published by Chatto & Windus (£25).
Margaret Atwood - Canadian novelist whose best-known book is The Handmaid's Tale.
Vengeful - Seeking revenge.
Tyranny - Cruel and aggressive use of power, often used to describe countries under the grip of a single oppressive leader.
Dictatorships - A form of government in which one person possesses all the power without any limits.
Democratic - A democratic election is one where all eligible citizens are free to vote, where votes are counted fairly and all political parties have fair and free access to communicate with voters.
Supreme Court - The highest court within the hierarchy of courts in most legal jurisdictions.
Abortion - The deliberate ending of a pregnancy.
Paraphrase - Rewording someone else's words. Often done to make their meaning clearer.
MAGA - Make America Great Again. The slogan was a key part of Trump's election campaign in 2016.
Elon Musk - A South African-born entrepreneur whose companies have included the online payment service PayPal. He now controls Twitter, renamed 'X'.
Night of the Long Knives - A purge in Nazi Germany in summer 1934. Hitler ordered a series of killings of other Nazi leaders to sure up his power.
Sage - One of Jung's archetypes. The Sage is a symbol of wisdom, knowledge and power. They are often represented as a mentor or teacher.
Dystopian - Relating to an imagined society where there is great suffering or injustice.
Trump will turn on Musk says Atwood

Margaret Atwood - Canadian novelist whose best-known book is The Handmaid's Tale.
Vengeful - Seeking revenge.
Tyranny - Cruel and aggressive use of power, often used to describe countries under the grip of a single oppressive leader.
Dictatorships - A form of government in which one person possesses all the power without any limits.
Democratic - A democratic election is one where all eligible citizens are free to vote, where votes are counted fairly and all political parties have fair and free access to communicate with voters.
Supreme Court - The highest court within the hierarchy of courts in most legal jurisdictions.
Abortion - The deliberate ending of a pregnancy.
Paraphrase - Rewording someone else's words. Often done to make their meaning clearer.
MAGA - Make America Great Again. The slogan was a key part of Trump’s election campaign in 2016.
Elon Musk - A South African-born entrepreneur whose companies have included the online payment service PayPal. He now controls Twitter, renamed 'X'.
Night of the Long Knives - A purge in Nazi Germany in summer 1934. Hitler ordered a series of killings of other Nazi leaders to sure up his power.
Sage - One of Jung’s archetypes. The Sage is a symbol of wisdom, knowledge and power. They are often represented as a mentor or teacher.
Dystopian - Relating to an imagined society where there is great suffering or injustice.