Can he still run for president? Former US leader Donald Trump has been charged with a crime. He says he can still be president again.
Trump threatens 'death and destruction'
Can he still run for president? Former US leader Donald Trump has been charged with a crime. He says he can still be president again.
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Lights. Camera. Handcuffs. Tomorrow, Donald TrumpAn American television personality who became US president from 2016 to 2020, and will become president again in January 2025. will be chargedFormally accused of a crime. . It is the first time a former presidentIn some countries, the leader is called the president. of the USAThe United States of America is a country in North America. It has a population of 329 million. has been charged with a crime.
We will find out tomorrow the exact crime or crimes that Donald Trump has been charged with. But for now, we know that a group of jurorsOrdinary people who are chosen at random to decide whether someone has taken part in a crime or not. spent weeks studying signs of wrongdoing during Trump's presidential election. Last Thursday, they voted to charge him.
Only one president has been arrested in the past - Ulysses Grant, who was finedMade to pay money after doing something wrong. in 1872 for speeding in his horse-drawn carriage.
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Trump says he has done nothing wrong, and that people are unfairly trying to stop him from becoming president again in 2024. Some say that people will not want to vote for a leader who may have taken part in a crime.
But others think it could actually boost his support. Even if Trump goes to jail, he can still become president. His supporters may fight harder if they think people are trying to stop him. And pollsWhen people are asked what their opinion is on a certain topic or who they are voting for in an election. of Republican PartyAlso known as the Grand Old Party or GOP, it is one of the USA's two major political parties. Its first president was Abraham Lincoln. It sits on the right of the political spectrum. voters show that Trump is still the favourite for the next election.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper" id="question"><strong>Can he still run for president? </strong></h5>
Yes! To be US president, you must be over the age of 35 and have been born an American. No charges will stop Trump running.
No! If he is guilty, the American people will stop supporting him. And Donald Trump will not try to be president if he thinks he might lose again.
Donald Trump - An American television personality who became US president from 2016 to 2020, and will become president again in January 2025.
Charged - Formally accused of a crime.
President - In some countries, the leader is called the president.
USA - The United States of America is a country in North America. It has a population of 329 million.
Jurors - Ordinary people who are chosen at random to decide whether someone has taken part in a crime or not.
Fined - Made to pay money after doing something wrong.
Polls - When people are asked what their opinion is on a certain topic or who they are voting for in an election.
Republican Party - Also known as the Grand Old Party or GOP, it is one of the USA's two major political parties. Its first president was Abraham Lincoln. It sits on the right of the political spectrum.
Trump threatens ‘death and destruction’

Donald Trump - An American television personality who became US president from 2016 to 2020, and will become president again in January 2025.
Charged - Formally accused of a crime.
President - In some countries, the leader is called the president.
USA - The United States of America is a country in North America. It has a population of 329 million.
Jurors - Ordinary people who are chosen at random to decide whether someone has taken part in a crime or not.
Fined - Made to pay money after doing something wrong.
Polls - When people are asked what their opinion is on a certain topic or who they are voting for in an election.
Republican Party - Also known as the Grand Old Party or GOP, it is one of the USA's two major political parties. Its first president was Abraham Lincoln. It sits on the right of the political spectrum.