Is this a threat to feminism? TikTok's "tradwives" are selling a 1950s fantasy to young women. Some say this is a reactionary movement riddled with sinister implications.
Tradwives are flooding the internet
Is this a threat to feminism? TikTok's "tradwives" are selling a 1950s fantasy to young women. Some say this is a reactionary movement riddled with sinister implications.
In Claude Monet's Camille Monet and a Child in the Artist's Garden, a woman in a blue dress tends to the embroidery on her lap as she perches among the bright red and pink flowers. A rosy-cheeked child in matching attire sits serenely at her feet.
It is a vision of pastoralLand used for grazing sheep or cattle or, in the Christian church, appropriate to the giving of spiritual guidance. bliss, captured with vivid ImpressionistA 19th Century art movement known for small but visible brush strokes. brushstrokes and vibrant colours. You might even look at it and feel a pang of longing for some freedom to loiter about the flowers. After all, the modern world does not often enable such peace.
If you feel this way, consider yourself among the target audience of some of TikTok's burgeoning superstars: the tradwives. From Nara Smith to Hannah Neeleman, these wives with "traditional values" are making the patriarchyA system of society where men hold power and women are excluded. cool again.
They sell a life that looks perfect. They dress in expensive, feminine designer clothes while churning their own butter. Their target audience is women, and the loudest part often goes unsaid: your life could be better if you stayed home and allowed a man to provide for you.
But there is an irony to this online culture. The tradwives may describe themselves as homemakers, but they are working women. They upload their videos to millions of views and likes. They get paid for brand deals. They are often the breadwinnersThe people who earn money to support their families. Often the breadwinner is the only person earning money in a family. , not just the bread-makers.
Why do the tradwives appeal to so many? Women fought long and hard to (re-)enter the workplace and gain the same rights as men. But far from finding freedom there, some say they have only found exploitation. Instead of blaming poor working conditions, they are blaming feminismCalling for women's rights with the aim of achieving gender equality. for allowing them to work.
And society is cruel to women. The thought of retreat to an isolated farm has a guilty appeal for many.
So, some argue, the tradwives are a sign of a societal failure. Domestic work is possibly the most essential work there is, but it is not the sole preserve of women.
Is this a threat to feminism?
Yes: Women have fought long and hard for the right to have a life outside the home. It is okay if your life's calling is to stay at home, but you should never romanticise surrendering your dreams to tend to a man.
No: People will always choose different lifestyles. There are some families with traditional structures, and some with more modern or non-traditional structures. Nowadays, there is room for both, and we can celebrate both.
Or... The tradwife movement has strong links to the far-rightA range of ideologies that emphasise social order, racial purity and the elimination of opponents.. We should analyse the kind of messaging that they are sending to young people from this angle, rather than making it all about gender.
Pastoral - Land used for grazing sheep or cattle or, in the Christian church, appropriate to the giving of spiritual guidance.
Impressionist - A 19th Century art movement known for small but visible brush strokes.
Patriarchy - A system of society where men hold power and women are excluded.
Breadwinners - The people who earn money to support their families. Often the breadwinner is the only person earning money in a family.
Feminism - Calling for women's rights with the aim of achieving gender equality.
Far-right - A range of ideologies that emphasise social order, racial purity and the elimination of opponents.
Tradwives are flooding the internet

Pastoral - Land used for grazing sheep or cattle or, in the Christian church, appropriate to the giving of spiritual guidance.
Impressionist - A 19th Century art movement known for small but visible brush strokes.
Patriarchy - A system of society where men hold power and women are excluded.
Breadwinners - The people who earn money to support their families. Often the breadwinner is the only person earning money in a family.
Feminism - Calling for women's rights with the aim of achieving gender equality.
Far-right - A range of ideologies that emphasise social order, racial purity and the elimination of opponents.