Should we blame dads? A new study has found that young children are eating alarming quantities of ultra-processed foods and forming a habit that could last a lifetime.
Toddlers are latest fast food victims
Should we blame dads? A new study has found that young children are eating alarming quantities of ultra-processed foods and forming a habit that could last a lifetime.
"Hurry up with your breakfast or you'll be late for school!" says Sam and Martina's mother. She watches as Sam heaps sugar on his cereal and Martina spoons strawberry-flavoured yoghurt into her mouth.
This is a breakfast disaster, say scientists today. None of the things Sam and Martina are eating are good for them, and they will probably still feel hungry afterwards.
New research has found that young children get 47% of their caloriesThe amount of energy released when your body digests and absorbs food. The more calories a food has, the more energy it gives your body. from ultra-processed foods (UPFs). By the time they are seven, this rises to 59%.
The study was carried out by expertsSomeone who knows a lot about a particular subject. at a universityWhen people leave school, they can go to university to study more and get a degree. in London. The habits young children form can stay with them their whole life.
By the time they start primary school, 10% of children are obeseFor adults, obesity is defined as a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or more. A BMI of 25 or more is classed as overweight.. By the time they leave, almost 25% are.
UPFs are foods which have been treated with chemicals, sweeteners, preservativesChemicals added to foods to stop them from going bad. or colours. They are "hyper-palatablePleasant to taste." - meaning that you can eat a lot of them. But some say they do not even deserve to be called "food".
They often contain large amounts of sugar, salt and saturated fatFats found in food such as butter, cheese and red meat. In large quantities they can lead to health problems such as heart disease.. Examples include crisps, cakes, biscuits, microwave-ready meals and pizzas.
Writing in the I Paper, Lucy Mangan says men are partly to blame. This is because most of the work of feeding a family - planning, shopping, cooking - is done by women. No wonder many choose quick and easy foods they know their children will like.
Should we blame dads?
Yes! The way to avoid UPFs is to cook proper meals. This takes a lot of time. If dads helped out more, every family would be able to eat in a healthy way.
No! The problem is adverts and large food companies. They have spent a lot of money convincing people to buy their UPFs.
Calories - The amount of energy released when your body digests and absorbs food. The more calories a food has, the more energy it gives your body.
Experts - Someone who knows a lot about a particular subject.
University - When people leave school, they can go to university to study more and get a degree.
Obese - For adults, obesity is defined as a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or more. A BMI of 25 or more is classed as overweight.
Preservatives - Chemicals added to foods to stop them from going bad.
Palatable - Pleasant to taste.
Saturated fat - Fats found in food such as butter, cheese and red meat. In large quantities they can lead to health problems such as heart disease.
Toddlers are latest fast food victims

Calories - The amount of energy released when your body digests and absorbs food. The more calories a food has, the more energy it gives your body.
Experts - Someone who knows a lot about a particular subject.
University - When people leave school, they can go to university to study more and get a degree.
Obese - For adults, obesity is defined as a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or more. A BMI of 25 or more is classed as overweight.
Preservatives - Chemicals added to foods to stop them from going bad.
Palatable - Pleasant to taste.
Saturated fat - Fats found in food such as butter, cheese and red meat. In large quantities they can lead to health problems such as heart disease.