Can anyone be a genius? Three-year-old Teddy's hobby is learning new languages and doing maths. But is being super smart really such a good thing?
This boy can count to 100 in seven languages
Can anyone be a genius? Three-year-old Teddy's hobby is learning new languages and doing maths. But is being super smart really such a good thing?
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
Most children learn to read between the ages of four and seven. But Teddy Hobbs started reading when he was only two years old. Now aged nearly four, he can count to 100 in seven different languages.
Some think how clever you are is all down to luck. Others say it is a mixture of luck and the genesSections of DNA strands that act as a kind of instruction manual for a human being. There is still a great deal we do not understand about how they work. that are passed down to you from your parents.
<h2 class=" eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
And while Teddy has a very high IQA means of measuring human intelligence. A person's IQ is usually ascertained by making them sit a standardised test. Some have criticised these tests as a means of evaluating intelligence, claiming that they ignore much of what it means to be intelligent., some argue that IQ is not the best way to tell if someone is a geniusVery clever or brilliant. . You do not just need to be good at maths to be a genius, they say. You need to be able to think creatively and have new ideas.
Meanwhile, others point out that it may not be a good thing to be a child genius. Some very clever children find it hard to make friends with children the same age as them.
<h5 class=" eplus-wrapper">Can anyone be a genius?</h5>
Yes! We all have the power to think creatively and come up with good ideas. There is no one way to be a genius.
No! Only a small number of people can be the word's smartest people. They need to understand very hard things - not everyone can do this.
Genes - Sections of DNA strands that act as a kind of instruction manual for a human being. There is still a great deal we do not understand about how they work.
IQ - A means of measuring human intelligence. A person's IQ is usually ascertained by making them sit a standardised test. Some have criticised these tests as a means of evaluating intelligence, claiming that they ignore much of what it means to be intelligent.
Genius - Very clever or brilliant.
This boy can count to 100 in seven languages

Genes - Sections of DNA strands that act as a kind of instruction manual for a human being. There is still a great deal we do not understand about how they work.
IQ - A means of measuring human intelligence. A person’s IQ is usually ascertained by making them sit a standardised test. Some have criticised these tests as a means of evaluating intelligence, claiming that they ignore much of what it means to be intelligent.
Genius - Very clever or brilliant.