Is a new world order emerging? A new war is breaking out in the world’s most conflict-riven region. Some think a new anti-western alliance is ready to arise from the ashes.
The wider truth behind Israel's 9/11 moment
Is a new world order emerging? A new war is breaking out in the world's most conflict-riven region. Some think a new anti-western alliance is ready to arise from the ashes.
The history of Israel and PalestineAn area located in the Southern Levant region of Western Asia. is written in bloodsoaked dates. 1948: the founding of Israel and what Palestinians call the NakbaMeaning "catastrophe" in Arabic, used to refer to the displacement of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. . 1967: the Six-Day WarA 1967 conflict lasting six days between Israel and its Arab neighbours. Israel won, capturing large amounts of land. , when Israel crushed its neighbours. Now, 7 October 2023: the single bloodiest day in Israeli history.
Yesterday, three days after a surprise attack on Israeli soil by Palestinian militant group HamasA militant Palestinian organisation, which has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007. It is listed as a terrorist organisation in the UK., the death toll in the region was more than 1,100. This is certain to rise.
Amid all the horror, many have turned their eyes 1,000 miles east to IranA country in Western Asia, officially called the Islamic Republic of Iran. It has a population of 84 million. , where there was jubilation over the attacks. Little wonder some see Iranian fingerprints on the Hamas assault.
Experts think it is unlikely that Iran actually participated in organising it. Preparations, first begun two years ago, were top secret: even many of the group's own leaders were unaware of them.1 They would not have risked telling Iran and having it leak to Israel.
However, even if Iran was not involved in the plans for the assault, Hamas would not have gone ahead without a green light from their most powerful ally. It is thought they informed Iran of the plans last Monday.2
That is why some think this is bigger than Israel and Palestine. The world map, they say, is being redrawn. Iran, Russia and China are steadily forming into a unified bloc defined by opposition to US power. And they are recruiting alliesAn ally is someone that aligns with and supports a cause with another individual or group of people. everywhere, from VenezuelaAn oil-producing country in South America. to Syria to Gaza.
Others think this is far-fetched. Russia has long had close ties with Israel. It is hardly likely to throw them away. China wants to be seen as a mediator, not an ally of Hamas, which is why it has restated its support for a two-state solutionA proposed solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, which imagines an independent State of Palestine as well as the State of Israel. .3
Some experts say the real cause of the attacks is exactly the opposite: Palestinians are running out of allies. Previously, they hoped the Arab powers might intervene to free them from Israeli occupationWhen one state takes over and controls area of another. Also a term for a job or profession. . But the Arab world is now forging closer ties with Israel. Without their support, Palestinians feel Israel will feel emboldened to kick them off their land.
That is why some say this attack was not masterminded by a new anti-western world order - but rather Hamas acting on its own.
<h5 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper" id="question"><strong>Is a new world order emerging?</strong></h5>
Yes: Iran and Russia have been cooperating for some time in places like Syria and Ukraine. They know they stand to gain from working together, and it makes sense for long-standing Iranian allies like Hamas to join them.
No: Iran pays lip service to the Palestinian cause but does little to help them materially. Russia wants better relations with Israel, not worse. Hamas is acting on its own.
Or... This is not a conspiracy. The coming Israeli offensive may destroy Hamas entirely after the attack on Israeli civilians. Hamas is acting like a group that knows its days are numbered.
Palestine - An area located in the Southern Levant region of Western Asia.
Nakba - Meaning "catastrophe" in Arabic, used to refer to the displacement of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.
Six-Day War - A 1967 conflict lasting six days between Israel and its Arab neighbours. Israel won, capturing large amounts of land.
Hamas - A militant Palestinian organisation, which has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007. It is listed as a terrorist organisation in the UK.
Iran - A country in Western Asia, officially called the Islamic Republic of Iran. It has a population of 84 million.
allies - An ally is someone that aligns with and supports a cause with another individual or group of people.
Venezuela - An oil-producing country in South America.
Two-state solution - A proposed solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, which imagines an independent State of Palestine as well as the State of Israel.
Occupation - When one state takes over and controls area of another. Also a term for a job or profession.
The wider truth behind Israel’s 9/11 moment

Palestine - An area located in the Southern Levant region of Western Asia.
Nakba - Meaning "catastrophe" in Arabic, used to refer to the displacement of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.
Six-Day War - A 1967 conflict lasting six days between Israel and its Arab neighbours. Israel won, capturing large amounts of land.
Hamas - A militant Palestinian organisation, which has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007. It is listed as a terrorist organisation in the UK.
Iran - A country in Western Asia, officially called the Islamic Republic of Iran. It has a population of 84 million.
allies - An ally is someone that aligns with and supports a cause with another individual or group of people.
Venezuela - An oil-producing country in South America.
Two-state solution - A proposed solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, which imagines an independent State of Palestine as well as the State of Israel.
Occupation - When one state takes over and controls area of another. Also a term for a job or profession.