Does his life have a universal message? Wrestler and athlete Zion Clark believes his story can inspire anybody, no matter their situation.
The Paralympic hero born without legs
Does his life have a universal message? Wrestler and athlete Zion Clark believes his story can inspire anybody, no matter their situation.
Two men enter the octagon of a mixed martial arts ring. One of the fighters has a full body, but the other one has no legs. Despite this fact, the smaller fighter not only lasts three rounds, but ends up winning by the judges' decision.
That man was called Zion Clark. He was born in 1997 with Caudal Regression Syndrome. This rare condition left him without legs or a lower body.
Clark was abandoned at birth and placed in foster care. Growing up, he was bullied, beaten, starved and regularly moved between homes. But he found an outlet in wrestling, even though he failed to win a fight for many years.
Aged 16, he was adopted by his foster mother Kimberlii, which he credits with turning his life around.1 Since then he has become a successful wrestler and MMAMixed martial arts. fighter - winning against athletes with full use of their bodies.
Now Clark holds three Guinness World Records: the fastest man on two hands, the highest box jump with hands, and the most diamond press-ups in three minutes. He has also reached the semi-finals of America's Got Talent and even been the subject of a Netflix documentary.2
In this year's Paralympic Games, Clark is competing for America in the wheelchair racing team. Many more people will discover his story, and some will wonder what lessons they can learn from this remarkable man.
Clark has the words "no excuses" tattooed across his back. This is the message he hopes will inspire other people.3 Even though Clark has obvious disadvantages, he refuses to let them limit his ambitions. Rather than taking the easy option of giving up or blaming others, instead he continues struggling to achieve his goals.
Clark's approach is the opposite of what some call "the victim mentality". This describes people who think of themselves as victims and blame external factors for their lack of happiness or success. Such a mindset is widely considered bad for mental health, because it magnifies negative experiences and leaves the victim feeling helpless, anxious and trapped.4
But others say the "no excuses" mentality can be harmful too. They say it minimises the traumatic circumstances that some people may have lived through. Many think we need a mindset that is more compassionate, because otherwise people will not blame themselves for things that were not their fault.
Certainly, Clark has faced challenges that most of his fans will never endure. Others will find it difficult to relate his unique biography to their own experience, or struggle to take interest in competitive and violent sports like wrestling or MMA.
But Zion Clark's story is not just about overcoming disadvantages. It is also about persevering no matter the obstacles. This is a universal message, given that everybody will have to cope with failure and disappointment over the course of their life.
As Clark himself argues: "If you fall down, stand up again... You don't need legs to leave a footprint on the earth."5
Does his life have a universal message?
Yes: Zion Clark shows how everyone can achieve. Taking complete responsibility can empower people to achieve more than they thought possible.
No: Clark is an inspiring individual, but most will struggle to relate to his life. Some people have disadvantages they are never able to overcome, through no fault of their own.
Or... The real message of Zion's life is about not giving up despite whatever obstacles you face. This is a message that everybody can learn from.
MMA - Mixed martial arts.
The Paralympic hero born without legs

MMA - Mixed martial arts.