Is it a sign? This picture has won a top photography prize — and captured the hearts of people all over the world.
The mystical power of a white bear dreaming
Is it a sign? This picture has won a top photography prize - and captured the hearts of people all over the world.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">What's happening? </h2>
Bright blue jellyfish in Norway. A flock of starlings making the shape of a bird over Rome. A pair of lions in KenyaA country in East Africa with a population of nearly 54 million people. licking their cub. These are three of the stunning photos from the 2024 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.
But there could be no doubt about the winner in the People's Choice category. It was Nima Sarikhani's picture of a polar bear sleeping on a small iceberg.
The head of the Natural History MuseumA big museum in London which displays evidence of life in the past, such as dinosaurs. said the photo shows us the beauty and fragilityWhen something is easily broken. of our planet.
But there is more to it than that. The photo has a mysterious power which makes you keep looking at it. Here are five theoriesIdeas that you still need to prove are true. about why the picture moves us so deeply.
Animal symbol For the Tsimshian people of Canada, the white "spirit bear" is a symbol of the link between our world and places of peace and love.
Spiritual rituals ShamansPeople who are said to have special powers to interact with good and evil spirits. see polar bears as guardians in animal form which appear when we need them.
Inuits' knowledge For Eskimo and InuitGroups of indigenous peoples living in the Arctic and subarctic regions. people, the polar bear represents ancientVery old. knowledge.
Paw positivity According to one dream interpreterSomebody who looks for meaning in dreams. , a polar bear is a positive sign that you have a clear vision of a challenge in your real life.
Recurring creature In the 1980s an experimentA controlled test to see if an idea is true. proved that if you try not to think about a polar bear, you will always think of one.
Is it a sign?
Yes! Of course it is. The polar bear, which is struggling to survive due to climate changeLong-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human action is a major cause of climate change., is dreaming of a better world. We must dream of a better world too.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
No! It is a beautiful photo - but it is just a picture. Humans always want to look for meaning in things, but sometimes we have to understand when there is no extra meaning to be found.
Kenya - A country in East Africa with a population of nearly 54 million people.
Natural History Museum - A big museum in London which displays evidence of life in the past, such as dinosaurs.
Fragility - When something is easily broken.
Theories - Ideas that you still need to prove are true.
Shamans - People who are said to have special powers to interact with good and evil spirits.
Inuit - Groups of indigenous peoples living in the Arctic and subarctic regions.
Ancient - Very old.
Dream interpreter - Somebody who looks for meaning in dreams.
Experiment - A controlled test to see if an idea is true.
Climate change - Long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human action is a major cause of climate change.
The mystical power of a white bear dreaming

Kenya - A country in East Africa with a population of nearly 54 million people.
Natural History Museum - A big museum in London which displays evidence of life in the past, such as dinosaurs.
Fragility - When something is easily broken.
Theories - Ideas that you still need to prove are true.
Shamans - People who are said to have special powers to interact with good and evil spirits.
Inuit - Groups of indigenous peoples living in the Arctic and subarctic regions.
Ancient - Very old.
Dream interpreter - Somebody who looks for meaning in dreams.
Experiment - A controlled test to see if an idea is true.
Climate change - Long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human action is a major cause of climate change.