But is the main victim the truth? Two dozen fires have devastated Los Angeles, the beating heart of US cultural life. Even while they blaze, the record is already being rewritten.
'The costliest disaster in US history'
But is the main victim the truth? Two dozen fires have devastated Los Angeles, the beating heart of US cultural life. Even while they blaze, the record is already being rewritten.
In 64AD, a fire broke out in the capital city of the world's richest, most powerful civilisation: Rome. It blazed for a full nine days, spread by high winds across the whole city. By the end, more than 70% of Rome had been destroyed.1
Almost immediately, everyone started blaming everyone else. Some alleged that looters had deliberately spread the flame by throwing torches and blocking efforts to put it out.
Many claimed that the emperor NeroEmperor from 54 AD to 68 AD. had deliberately started the fire so he could build a new palace on the ruins. While it is unlikely he actually set the blaze, he did indeed construct a vast new residence in the middle of the city.
Nero himself decided to scapegoatA person who is made to take the blame for the wrongdoings of others. The term originates from a ceremony during the Jewish holy day Yom Kippur, in which the sins of the people were symbolically placed upon a goat. The goat was then sent into the wilderness. members of a relatively new but increasingly popular offshoot of Judaism: Christians. Almost 1,000 of them were killed.
In 2025, the world's richest, most powerful civilisation is stricken by fire. So how much has changed?
The Los Angeles inferno is already the costliest disaster the US has ever faced, burning through more than 40,000 acres of land. Almost 200,000 people have been forced to flee their homes and 24 have perished.2
After a long period of droughtA time when there is not enough water and the ground is very dry. , high winds brought flaming embers that quickly set ablaze the dry vegetation around the city.
And just as in Rome, the blame game has already begun. It started with the president-elect, Donald Trump, who said the government of CaliforniaA large state on the west coast of the USA. It is the country's most populous state, with more than 37 million people. First settled by Native Americans as much as 13,000 years ago, the area was subsequently conquered by Spain, then was absorbed into Mexico, which was forced to hand it over to the USA in 1848. had botched their response to the catastrophe.
He accused California governor Gavin NewsomAn American politician, and the governor of California. He belongs to the Democratic party. of refusing to sign a non-existent "water restoration declaration" to allow more water to be employed against the fire, and of using up water reserves protecting an endangered fish species.3
This cryptic latter comment refers to a dispute between then-president Trump and Newsom in 2020. Trump had wanted to divert water from northern California to farmland in the south, which Newsom's state government blocked because it threatened the habitats of certain fish species.
There is no reason to believe this decision has affected California's response to the fires.
However, Newsom has also faced criticism from his own citizens, who point out that his 2024-5 state budget cut $101m (£83m) of funding for wildfire and forest resilience.4
In response, Newsom has set up a dedicated website, californiafirefacts.com, which he claims is to counter "misinformationIncorrect or misleading information unintentionally presented as fact. It can be contrasted with disinformation or deliberate lies." about the fires. The site asserts that the state did not cut the firefighting budget (which is not the accusation being made). It also states, correctly, that funding for wildfire management has greatly increased since Newsom took office.
Both men know they are really fighting a battle to write history. Trump is hoping to pin the responsibility for the fire on Newsom, and more generally on the DemocratsMembers of the Democratic party, the left-leaning US political party. Joe Biden and Barack Obama are both Democrats. , painting them as bleeding heart liberalsLiberalism is a school of political thought that stresses individual liberty. Liberals believe that society should not try to impose values or behaviours on individuals but should be tolerant of different lifestyles. who would rather save a few fish than protect lives and property.
Newsom, for his part, wants to run for president in 2028. With these fires on his record he might struggle to win. He is keen to emphasise the role of climate breakdown in causing them - not least since RepublicansPeople who believe a country should not have a king or queen, or in the US, members of the Republican party. dismiss it as a threat.
Nero is still often blamed for the fire of Rome, almost 2,000 years later. These two men only need to create a narrative that will last for three.
But is the main victim the truth?
Yes: Mis- and disinformationFalse information intended to mislead, including propaganda, which all too often encourages the spread of misinformation, fake news spread by mistake. It is contrasted with misinformation, which may be spread accidentally. are spreading even faster than the fires. Each side is creatively altering the record to defend themselves or indict their opponents. This blaze is now a partisanBiased. In military terms, a partisan is a guerrilla fighter. issue.
No: Any natural disaster is followed by a blame game as everyone involved tries to keep their hands clean. There is nothing different about this, except for the scale of the catastrophe.
Or... While what is happening is not out of the ordinary, it shows how even the most devastating human costs can be turned into a spectacle by the outrage mill of US media.
Nero - Emperor from 54 AD to 68 AD.
Scapegoat - A person who is made to take the blame for the wrongdoings of others. The term originates from a ceremony during the Jewish holy day Yom Kippur, in which the sins of the people were symbolically placed upon a goat. The goat was then sent into the wilderness.
Drought - A time when there is not enough water and the ground is very dry.
California - A large state on the west coast of the USA. It is the country's most populous state, with more than 37 million people. First settled by Native Americans as much as 13,000 years ago, the area was subsequently conquered by Spain, then was absorbed into Mexico, which was forced to hand it over to the USA in 1848.
Gavin Newsom - An American politician, and the governor of California. He belongs to the Democratic party.
Misinformation - Incorrect or misleading information unintentionally presented as fact. It can be contrasted with disinformation or deliberate lies.
Democrats - Members of the Democratic party, the left-leaning US political party. Joe Biden and Barack Obama are both Democrats.
Liberals - Liberalism is a school of political thought that stresses individual liberty. Liberals believe that society should not try to impose values or behaviours on individuals but should be tolerant of different lifestyles.
Republicans - People who believe a country should not have a king or queen, or in the US, members of the Republican party.
Disinformation - False information intended to mislead, including propaganda, which all too often encourages the spread of misinformation, fake news spread by mistake. It is contrasted with misinformation, which may be spread accidentally.
Partisan - Biased. In military terms, a partisan is a guerrilla fighter.
‘The costliest disaster in US history’

Nero - Emperor from 54 AD to 68 AD.
Scapegoat - A person who is made to take the blame for the wrongdoings of others. The term originates from a ceremony during the Jewish holy day Yom Kippur, in which the sins of the people were symbolically placed upon a goat. The goat was then sent into the wilderness.
Drought - A time when there is not enough water and the ground is very dry.
California - A large state on the west coast of the USA. It is the country's most populous state, with more than 37 million people. First settled by Native Americans as much as 13,000 years ago, the area was subsequently conquered by Spain, then was absorbed into Mexico, which was forced to hand it over to the USA in 1848.
Gavin Newsom - An American politician, and the governor of California. He belongs to the Democratic party.
Misinformation - Incorrect or misleading information unintentionally presented as fact. It can be contrasted with disinformation or deliberate lies.
Democrats - Members of the Democratic party, the left-leaning US political party. Joe Biden and Barack Obama are both Democrats.
Liberals - Liberalism is a school of political thought that stresses individual liberty. Liberals believe that society should not try to impose values or behaviours on individuals but should be tolerant of different lifestyles.
Republicans - People who believe a country should not have a king or queen, or in the US, members of the Republican party.
Disinformation - False information intended to mislead, including propaganda, which all too often encourages the spread of misinformation, fake news spread by mistake. It is contrasted with misinformation, which may be spread accidentally.
Partisan - Biased. In military terms, a partisan is a guerrilla fighter.