Is Donald Trump a fascist? The American presidential election is getting closer by the day. People are wondering: what will happen if Donald Trump wins again?
The (alarming) elephant in the room
Is Donald Trump a fascist? The American presidential election is getting closer by the day. People are wondering: what will happen if Donald Trump wins again?
Donald TrumpAn American television personality who became US president from 2016 to 2020, and will become president again in January 2025. has said a lot of shocking things in his time as a politicianA person who works in politics. . But the former US presidentIn some countries, the leader is called the president., who wants to be elected again in November, still surprised many with his comments in a TV interview this weekend.
He said that if there is any disorderA state of chaos, or when people stop following laws and rules. on election day, it will be the fault of "the enemyA person who hates and tries to harm another. from within". Anybody taking part, he said, should be "handled" by the militarySoldiers or armed forces. .
Why are some people worried by this? Experts say that using soldiers to stop political rivals is a sign of fascismA political ideology that rose to power in 20th-Century Europe. It stressed militarism and order over personal freedom, and often divided society according to racial hierarchies.. Fascists prefer order over freedom, and often divide countries along raceA person's ethnic group or skin colour. lines.
A historian called Umberto EcoAn Italian medieval historian and philosopher who died in 2016. listed 14 signs of fascism.
Fascists do not like people who disagree with them. Trump says that those who criticiseFind faults with something. him are part of a plan to destroy him.
Fascists create "fear of difference". Trump has encouraged fear of MuslimsPeople who follow the religion of Islam. in the USA.
Fascists are "obsessedSomething you cannot stop thinking or talking about. with plotsSecret plans to do something illegal or harmful. ". Trump is spending a lot of money to hire 100,000 people to watch over the election, so his "enemies" cannot stop him from winning.
Finally, fascists often need the power of soldiers - so they work to take control of the military.
Last week, Trump suggested he might look to get rid of military generals who disagree with his politics.
But others say Trump is far from a fascist. Most fascists want their country to be at constant war, taking over other lands - but Trump has never suggested this. In fact, he wants America to pull out of wars.
Is Donald Trump a fascist?
Yes! Trump wants to hold on to power - even more than when he was president from 2017 to 2021. We should listen to what he says very carefully.
No! Many US leaders have had big personalities. Others too have failed to follow rules. But democracyA system of government based on the idea of rule by the people. has always stayed strong.
Donald Trump - An American television personality who became US president from 2016 to 2020, and will become president again in January 2025.
Politician - A person who works in politics.
President - In some countries, the leader is called the president.
Disorder - A state of chaos, or when people stop following laws and rules.
Enemy - A person who hates and tries to harm another.
Military - Soldiers or armed forces.
Fascism - A political ideology that rose to power in 20th-Century Europe. It stressed militarism and order over personal freedom, and often divided society according to racial hierarchies.
Race - A person's ethnic group or skin colour.
Umberto Eco - An Italian medieval historian and philosopher who died in 2016.
Criticise - Find faults with something.
Muslims - People who follow the religion of Islam.
Obsessed - Something you cannot stop thinking or talking about.
Plots - Secret plans to do something illegal or harmful.
Democracy - A system of government based on the idea of rule by the people.
The (alarming) elephant in the room

Donald Trump - An American television personality who became US president from 2016 to 2020, and will become president again in January 2025.
Politician - A person who works in politics.
President - In some countries, the leader is called the president.
Disorder - A state of chaos, or when people stop following laws and rules.
Enemy - A person who hates and tries to harm another.
Military - Soldiers or armed forces.
Fascism - A political ideology that rose to power in 20th-Century Europe. It stressed militarism and order over personal freedom, and often divided society according to racial hierarchies.
Race - A person's ethnic group or skin colour.
Umberto Eco - An Italian medieval historian and philosopher who died in 2016.
Criticise - Find faults with something.
Muslims - People who follow the religion of Islam.
Obsessed - Something you cannot stop thinking or talking about.
Plots - Secret plans to do something illegal or harmful.
Democracy - A system of government based on the idea of rule by the people.