Is it the key to inequality? Experts claim that learning to speak is crucial for smashing the “class ceiling”. But some teachers think teaching talking is trickier than it sounds.
Talking is crucial says school report
Is it the key to inequality? Experts claim that learning to speak is crucial for smashing the "class ceiling". But some teachers think teaching talking is trickier than it sounds.
We need to talk about talking. So says the Oracy Education Commission, a group of education experts.
This week it released a big report claiming that oracy - the ability to express oneself well through speech - needs to be taught in all schools.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer said last year that speaking skills are vital to smash the "class ceilingA hidden barrier that prevents people from advancing in class and earning the same as those from upper middle-class backgrounds." that holds back students from poorer backgrounds.
According to the National Literacy Trust, 31% of five-year-olds start primary school without the language skills they need to thrive. This rises to 47% among disadvantagedLacking the basic resources or conditions - such as decent housing - believed to be necessary for an equal position in society. children.
It also found that five-year-olds with poor language skills are six times less likely to reach the expected standard in English, and 11 times less likely in maths.
For the government, this suggests that good oracy can help to remove inequalityWhen money and opportunities are not shared equally between different groups in society..
Is it the key to inequality?
Yes! People make judgements based on first impressions. And one of the key ways we assess people is in how they speak.
No! Oracy is not powerful enough to end inequality. Someone born to a disadvantaged background will always have fewer opportunities, regardless of how they can speak.
Class ceiling - A hidden barrier that prevents people from advancing in class and earning the same as those from upper middle-class backgrounds.
Disadvantaged - Lacking the basic resources or conditions - such as decent housing - believed to be necessary for an equal position in society.
Inequality - When money and opportunities are not shared equally between different groups in society.
Talking is crucial says school report

Class ceiling - A hidden barrier that prevents people from advancing in class and earning the same as those from upper middle-class backgrounds.
Disadvantaged - Lacking the basic resources or conditions — such as decent housing — believed to be necessary for an equal position in society.
Inequality - When money and opportunities are not shared equally between different groups in society.