The Day partners with UK Reads to raise awareness of child illiteracy in the UK
Reading for pleasure is the single biggest factor in determining a child’s future success. But there are currently more than 413,000 children in the UK who do not have a book of their own.
The Day is joining forces with children’s literacy charity UK Reads to tackle this gap. Our subscribers will now be able to request free books for pupils identified as living in poverty and/or being in need of books to keep at home.
The partnership marks The Day’s renewed commitment to the Vision for Literacy Business Pledge, for which it has been a signatory for seven years.
The Day will prioritise literacy skills and improve social mobility by taking action through employees, the local community and supporting the national campaign.
Our editor Richard Addis says: “Establishing healthy reading habits at a young age is vital for nurturing a new generation that is equipped with the literacy and critical thinking skills to engage effectively with the world and ultimately make it a better place.”
To request books for your pupils, visit www.ukreads.org/book-drop
For more information about UK Reads and the work they are doing to end illiteracy in the UK, please visit www.ukreads.org.

Vision for Literacy Business Pledge
The award-winning Pledge is now in its seventh year and 88 businesses have committed to working to improve literacy levels in the UK.
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Request books for your pupils
The Day subscribers will now be able to request free books for pupils identified as living in poverty and/or being in need of books to keep at home.
Request books