• Reading Level 4
Citizenship | PSHE | Relationships and health | Politics

‘Stop calling this a tragedy for men’

Adverse attention? Videos under the Andrew Tate hashtag on TikTok accumulated more than 13 billion views.

Should misogyny be a hate crime? Amid the furore around Andrew Tate, many are wondering why women are being left out of the conversation. Some say the solution should be found in the legal system.

“Young men are in crisis — and nobody seems to care,” reads one headline. “The West’s lost boys,” cries another. It is described as the “modern male struggle”, a “crisis of manhood”, a “mass entrapment.”

Behold, the real victims of Andrew Tate: men. For some, it is a confusing conclusion to draw from a story in which the alleged victims are women.1 But men and boys have been in the spotlight since concerns were first raised about Tate, with many expressing fears that men are being radicalised by social media.

Tate, who has been arrested on charges of sexual trafficking and rape, gained prominence for lengthy misogynisticStrong and deeply ingrained prejudice against women.  rants which have millions of views across various social media platforms.2

Across the UK, schools have made an effort to educate their students about just how dangerous Tate’s views are. The focus is on young male pupils who may have been particularly susceptible to his message.

But why are we not hearing about Tate’s effect on women? After all, it is women, not men, who Tate is accused of trafficking, raping and physically assaulting.

This is a forced silence, say sexual assault specialists. People who speak out about the effects of sexual violence are often subjected to victim-blaming and accused of lying about their experiences.

“We have become accustomed to leaving them out of the narrative,” said one specialist. So when events like this happen, we tend to focus on the effect on perpetrators instead.

Now, some are calling for a cultural shift. The justice system is a key starting point. According to the charity Rape Crisis UK, only one in 100 rapes were reported to the police and resulted in a charge in 2021.

Some suggest making misogyny into a hate crime. This would allow police to record when crimes against women were motivated by their gender. It could encourage them to take gender-based violence more seriously and empower victims to report their experiences.

Others scoff at the suggestion, citing the low conviction and reporting rates for sexual crimes and saying hate crime legislation would merely add red tape to an already difficult reporting process.

Some caution against adding fuel to the idea that feminismCalling for women’s rights with the aim of achieving gender equality. is not really about equality. Making violence against women a hate crime, and not violence against men, could set a dangerous precedent.

Should misogyny be a hate crime? 

Turning tide?

Yes: We need to do everything we can to ensure that women’s issues are taken seriously. Making misogyny into a hate crime would acknowledge the ways in which women are still marginalised and offer support.

No: It is clear that misogyny is endemicCommon to a particular place or community. in the legal system. It is not fair that only 2% of allegations lead to prosecutions. Making misogyny into a hate crime would not fix this issue. First and foremost, women need a safe and fair place to report sexual violence.

Or… We should explore a range of alternative justice options. Some fear making violence against women but not men a hate crime could ultimately lead to more misogynistic views.


Misogynistic – Strong and deeply ingrained prejudice against women. 

Feminism – Calling for women’s rights with the aim of achieving gender equality.

Endemic – Common to a particular place or community.

  1. Tate is accused of forcing women to create sexualised online videos.
  2. In the clips, he refers to women as “property”, says that sexual assault and rape victims should take responsibility for what happened to them, and claims that he only dates 18-19 year old women because he can “make an imprint” on them.
  • Some people say

    • “If a victim speaks but no one acknowledges her, does she make a sound?”
    • Chanel Miller (1992 – ), American writer and artist
    • “Women who accuse men, particularly powerful men, of harassment are often confronted with the reality of the men’s sense that they are more important than women, as a group.”
    • Anita Hill (1956 -), American lawyer, educator and author
    What do you think?
  • Dive in deeper

    • ▶️ Who is Andrew Tate, self-proclaimed misogynist influencer? BBC News (2:17)
    • ▶️ Andrew Tate’s appeal to be released from detention is denied. Sky News (2:25)
    • 📰 What does it mean to be a “good man” today? A short essay. The New Statesman (800 words)
    • 📰 There is no “war on men”. Feminism is good for all of us, argues on writer. The Guardian (800 words)

Six steps to discovery

  1. Connect

    How do you feel about this story?

    Andrew Tate has been in the news a lot lately. Has your opinion of him evolved since reading these news stories? How did you feel about his arrest?

  2. Wonder

    What questions do you have?

    For example: Why do so few allegations lead to convictions? Why do so few people report crimes like this to the police?

  3. Investigate

    What are the facts?

    Research more statistics surrounding the legal system and its dealings with sexual violence and misogyny. Why do you think so few cases receive convictions or sentences? What can we do to ensure that the legal system remains fair to the defendant, whilst encouraging more victims to report crimes?

  4. Construct

    What is your point of view?

    You have been called to advise the UK government on whether they should make misogyny into a hate crime. Come up with three to five points arguing either for or against this.

  5. Express

    What do others believe?

    Get into a group of four. Tate and other nefarious online influencers like to claim that they are being “de-platformed” as social media sites block their content. What do you think of this claim? Do you think de-platforming such people online is a good strategy? Debate amongst yourselves.

  6. Reflect

    What might happen next?

    It is 2050, you are a teacher, and your students have started to consume the content of an online influencer with the same views as Andrew Tate. How would you explain to them that they need to be more cautious about what they watch and believe on the internet? Write a short email to your class.