Can a successful politician be morally good? Three political scandals rock the world as “the cavalier” of corruption meets his end. Many think it is time for a new era of honesty in government.
Spotlight on worldwide sleaze and scandal
Can a successful politician be morally good? Three political scandals rock the world as "the cavalier" of corruption meets his end. Many think it is time for a new era of honesty in government.
He openly praised Italy's brutal fascistFollowing fascism, a set of ideologies that advocates dictatorial power, political violence, suppression of opposition, traditional gender roles, and official racism. dictator Benito MussoliniThe fascist dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1943. , congratulated homeless earthquake survivors on getting a free "weekend of camping", and described himself as one of Vladimir PutinRussia's ruler since 2000. He is a strong opponent of the West.'s best friends. He offended almost every foreign diplomatAn official representing a country abroad., and faced a whopping 35 criminal court cases.
Yet Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's former prime minister who passed away on Monday, remains a vital and popular figure in Italian politics.
For some, Berlusconi was the "first of the populistsPopulism is a political approach whereby a politician tries to appeal to ordinary people who feel that they have been let down by elite groups.". His infamous personality cult and skilful use of the media proved sensationally popular at a time when cynicismBelieving that people are only motivated by self-interest and not a good intentions. and disillusionmentA feeling of disappointment after finding out something is not as good as you thought. among the public were at an all-time high.
And many believe that his legacy inspired a generation of populist leaders - most notably, Donald Trump, whose fame, wealth, controversies and personality politics brought him unexpected political success in the USA.
The Trump era may go on. Trump is the frontrunner for the Republican PartyAlso known as the Grand Old Party or GOP, it is one of the USA's two major political parties. Its first president was Abraham Lincoln. It sits on the right of the political spectrum. presidential candidacy in 2024, despite being the first former president in US history to face federal charges. He faces 37 felonyIn the USA, a crime which is punishable by more than one year in prison. counts.
Nor is Trump the only former head of government facing scandal and disrepute. A damning report released on Thursday found that Boris Johnson, Britain's former PM, had misled the UK parliament on at least five occasions over parties that broke Johnson's government's own lockdown rules.
To top it off, Scotland's former first minister Nicola Sturgeon was arrested on Sunday as part of an ongoing investigation into her party's alleged mishandling of over £600,000 in donations which were "ring-fenced" for fighting for a second Scottish independence referendum.1
Political scandals have never been rare. But some say this new era of populism is making misbehaviour reach new heights. For them, public disillusionment rewards cynical candidates who treat their offices lightly and "shake the status quoA Latin phrase referring to the current or present situation." - though this can just as easily translate to ignoring the rules.
But where does that leave morality? Nowhere, say the critics. We need to "reinfuse politics with a moral yet tangible mission," argues one journalist. Until then, they say, we can expect to see more candidates in the courtroom.
<h5 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper" id="question"><strong>Can a successful politician be morally good?</strong></h5>
Yes: Corrupt politicians may make more headlines, but great politicians are the ones who go down in history. It is up to the voters to choose statespeople with a clean record and clear moral message.
No: Nowadays, it is impossible to elect a leader with real moral fibre. The ones who appeal to voters are business moguls, tycoons and long-standing members of the elite who are not really interested in public service.
Or... We have tended to elect politicians who have some kind of profit motive or economic background. We cannot be surprised when they end up pursuing their personal gain in government too.
Fascist - Following fascism, a set of ideologies that advocates dictatorial power, political violence, suppression of opposition, traditional gender roles, and official racism.
Benito Mussolini - The fascist dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1943.
Vladimir Putin - Russia's ruler since 2000. He is a strong opponent of the West.
Diplomat - An official representing a country abroad.
Populists - Populism is a political approach whereby a politician tries to appeal to ordinary people who feel that they have been let down by elite groups.
Cynicism - Believing that people are only motivated by self-interest and not a good intentions.
Disillusionment - A feeling of disappointment after finding out something is not as good as you thought.
Republican Party - Also known as the Grand Old Party or GOP, it is one of the USA's two major political parties. Its first president was Abraham Lincoln. It sits on the right of the political spectrum.
Felony - In the USA, a crime which is punishable by more than one year in prison.
Status quo - A Latin phrase referring to the current or present situation.
Spotlight on worldwide sleaze and scandal

Fascist - Following fascism, a set of ideologies that advocates dictatorial power, political violence, suppression of opposition, traditional gender roles, and official racism.
Benito Mussolini - The fascist dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1943.
Vladimir Putin - Russia’s ruler since 2000. He is a strong opponent of the West.
Diplomat - An official representing a country abroad.
Populists - Populism is a political approach whereby a politician tries to appeal to ordinary people who feel that they have been let down by elite groups.
Cynicism - Believing that people are only motivated by self-interest and not a good intentions.
Disillusionment - A feeling of disappointment after finding out something is not as good as you thought.
Republican Party - Also known as the Grand Old Party or GOP, it is one of the USA's two major political parties. Its first president was Abraham Lincoln. It sits on the right of the political spectrum.
Felony - In the USA, a crime which is punishable by more than one year in prison.
Status quo - A Latin phrase referring to the current or present situation.