Is this morally right? Spanish officials want to make a new law that would give chimps, gorillas, orangutans and bonobos similar protections to people.
Spain set to give apes 'human' rights
Is this morally right? Spanish officials want to make a new law that would give chimps, gorillas, orangutans and bonobos similar protections to people.
Spanish leaders want to make a new law that would ban the use of great apesThe Hominidae or Hominid family of primates, including orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and humans. in circuses, shows, adverts as well as harmful scientific testing.
The law in Spain argues that the ban should be put in place because these animals have cognitiveRelating to the processes of thinking and reasoning. abilities that "bring them close to those of human beings".
Others have worries. Many animals have some mental ability, but are still used in research, or else farmed for meat and other products. Why should great apes be given new rights, but not horses, cows or dogs?
At the centre of this debate is the idea of personhood. Many philosophersPeople who ask big questions about the meaning of life and how we should live. argue that humans have uniqueDifferent to everything else. abilities - such as empathyThe capacity to understand and feel the suffering of others..
But in recent years scientists have argued that personhood should be applied to great apes. If Spain passes this law, the idea of personhood will only grow bigger.
Is this morally right?
Yes! After all, humans are a great ape too. They are not so different from us. Therefore, apes should have the same rights and protections as people.
No! This creates too many problems. If we treat apes like humans, one day we may have to stop using animals for food as well. Only humans should have human rights.
Great apes - The Hominidae or Hominid family of primates, including orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and humans.
Cognitive - Relating to the processes of thinking and reasoning.
Philosophers - People who ask big questions about the meaning of life and how we should live.
Unique - Different to everything else.
Empathy - The capacity to understand and feel the suffering of others.
Spain set to give apes ‘human’ rights

Great apes - The Hominidae or Hominid family of primates, including orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and humans.
Cognitive - Relating to the processes of thinking and reasoning.
Philosophers - People who ask big questions about the meaning of life and how we should live.
Unique - Different to everything else.
Empathy - The capacity to understand and feel the suffering of others.