Is life too dull? Some schools in the US have banned Halloween celebrations — but there has been a backlash from parents and those who believe that it has beneficial shock value.
Six reasons why being scared is good for us
Is life too dull? Some schools in the US have banned Halloween celebrations - but there has been a backlash from parents and those who believe that it has beneficial shock value.
Sarah's mother stared in disbelief. Here, just a few weeks before Halloween, was a letter saying it could not be celebrated in local schools. What about all the hours she had spent making a brilliant costume?
The letter said the ban was to promote "diversity, equity and inclusion" in New JerseyA northeastern US state, close to New York. , USA.1 It said some students did not celebrate Halloween for religious reasons.
Others could not afford costumes. There were also worries about children becoming scared.
Last year there was a similar ban in MassachusettsA state in the northeast USA. . But it met with such a backlash that the celebrations are back this year.2
Halloween has been a major festival in the US since the 19th Century.3 It is also valued by people who believe there are benefits to being scared:
Saving cavemen Humans would have died out long ago if fear had not taught them to stay away from dangerous things - particularly in ancient times.
Stimulus plus We all need to be shaken up from time to time to make us feel that we are alive.
Fright flight When we are afraid, our bodies release hormonesChemicals created inside living creatures. They are used to send messages from one part of the body to another. and chemicals into the bloodstream which make us think and act faster than usual. This is known as the "fight or flight" response. It helps us either tackle the danger or get as far away from it as possible.
Fright delight Scary experiences make us value the safety of our everyday existence. When we turn off a frightening film and find ourselves back in familiar surroundings, we feel relief and pleasure.
Trepidation confrontation The most difficult things to cope with are the ones you try not to think about. Being scared helps you to confront them and learn to deal with them.
Trepidation inspiration Some great works of literature have been produced by writers dwelling on their inner fears. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is one of them.
<h5 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper" id="question"><strong>Is life too dull?</strong></h5>
Yes: We fall too easily into routines, so that one day feels much like the next. We value festivals like Halloween so highly because they stimulate us - but they only happen for a few days each year.
No: You only have to read the newspaper headlines to know that life is very exciting indeed, often in a frightening way. If you are lucky enough to live in peace and quiet you should make the most of it.
Or... People's idea of dullness varies enormously. Some consider it boring to take a bus to school every day - but to someone who has only ever walked to school it could be thrilling.
New Jersey - A northeastern US state, close to New York.
Massachusetts - A state in the northeast USA.
Hormones - Chemicals created inside living creatures. They are used to send messages from one part of the body to another.
Six reasons why being scared is good for us

New Jersey - A northeastern US state, close to New York.
Massachusetts - A state in the northeast USA.
Hormones - Chemicals created inside living creatures. They are used to send messages from one part of the body to another.