Is reality the magic ingredient? It turns out the best place to live is not in the big city, but in a quiet rural town. Some say it is proof that real, offline life is what we crave.
Secrets of Britain’s happiest town
Is reality the magic ingredient? It turns out the best place to live is not in the big city, but in a quiet rural town. Some say it is proof that real, offline life is what we crave.
A recent survey found the happiest place in Britain is the town of Woodbridge in SuffolkA county on England's east coast. .
The top reasons cited by residents are access to green spaces, local amenities and a sense of belonging - with no mention of the internet.
Some think this proves we should be putting down roots and taking the time to appreciate what is around us, rather than spending our time in the virtual world.
Getting offline reduces anxiety, boosts memory and improves sleep.
It seems we have forgotten a lot about simple living. How many bird species can you identify, for example? Do you know how to whittleTo make something from a piece of wood by cutting off small, thin pieces.? Such knowledge takes time, patience, and dedication, all things that online living often erodes.
And spending time in nature improves our attention span and mood, and reduces our stress levels.
While we bond with similar people online, living locally means meeting a broader range of people, older and younger, with different experiences and ideas. And being part of a diverse community forces us to help others and accept help from others.
Is reality the magic ingredient?
Yes! A place like Woodbridge is pleasant because it is just that, a place, rather than a virtual space. We need to recover the joys of rootedness, community, and nature.
No! The mild pleasures of a small country town might be good for a short holiday, for the retired, or for those content with a slower pace, but most of us need more excitement in our lives.
Suffolk - A county on England's east coast.
Whittle - To make something from a piece of wood by cutting off small, thin pieces.
Secrets of Britain’s happiest town
Suffolk - A county on England's east coast.
Whittle - To make something from a piece of wood by cutting off small, thin pieces.