Is the exam system fit for purpose? As this year’s results are announced, a growing number of critics think we should replace the current tests with something completely different.
Scrap GCSEs says the man who invented them
Is the exam system fit for purpose? As this year's results are announced, a growing number of critics think we should replace the current tests with something completely different.
Every year the groups of teenagers gathers outside schools, each one clutching an envelope. As they open their envelopes, their faces fill with delight or disbelief.
But what if GCSEs were scrapped? That is the proposal made by Lord Baker of Dorking who, four decades ago, created the current exams for 16 year olds in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Now he has called the level of testing "absolutely absurdRidiculous.".
Few European countries have so many exams for 16 year olds. Critics claim that GCSEs are obsoleteOutdated and no longer useful. .
Those in favour of them argue that GCSEs are considered reliableTrustworthy or good in quality or performance. by colleges, universities and employers. Continuous assessment and coursework are often less accurate and less fair.
Opponents argue that exams at 16 do not prepare young people for the modern workplace, the number of tests is too high and the range of subjects too narrow.
Employment has certainly changed. AutomationWhen machines or computers do a job instead of humans. and AIA computer programme that has been designed to think. are transforming the world of work. Most teachers recognise the education system has to prepare young people for the challenges this brings.
Is the exam system fit for purpose?
Yes! GCSEs are a rigorousExtremely thorough. and widely recognised exam system.
No: There are too many tests in Britain and they fail to prepare students for the modern workplace.
Absurd - Ridiculous.
Obsolete - Outdated and no longer useful.
Reliable - Trustworthy or good in quality or performance.
Automation - When machines or computers do a job instead of humans.
AI - A computer programme that has been designed to think.
Rigorous - Extremely thorough.
Scrap GCSEs says the man who invented them

Absurd - Ridiculous.
Obsolete - Outdated and no longer useful.
Reliable - Trustworthy or good in quality or performance.
Automation - When machines or computers do a job instead of humans.
AI - A computer programme that has been designed to think.
Rigorous - Extremely thorough.