Is this morally wrong? For the first time, researchers have created a model embryo without using sperm or an egg. It could revolutionise medical science — but some are worried about what is next.
Replica embryo made without sperm or egg
Is this morally wrong? For the first time, researchers have created a model embryo without using sperm or an egg. It could revolutionise medical science - but some are worried about what is next.
"One egg, one embryo, one adult - normality. But a bokanovskifiedIn the novel Brave New World, the Bokanovsky process is a method of human reproduction. Fertilised eggs are split into identical copies to create a large, identical workforce. egg will bud, will proliferateIncrease in number. In botany it refers to developing buds or shoots, and in biology to cellular division., will divide.... Progress."
In his book Brave New World, Aldous Huxley imagined a world where people were made in labs instead of being born. It was just a wild idea at first - something from a science fiction story.
But now, scientists have done something similar. They made something that looks like an embryoA fertilised egg that is developing into a foetus., or a baby in the very, very early stages, but without using an egg or sperm. Scientists hope they can use this research to find out why some people struggle to have babies, and figure out how our bodies work. However, some people are worried about whether it is the right thing to do.
These scientists in Israel used special cells to create these replicaAn exact copy or model of something. embryos. The replicas cannot grow into real babies yet, but they can help us learn more about how babies grow and find new ways to help people who cannot have babies naturally.
People have different opinions about this. Some think it is a wonderful thing that could save lives. Others are concerned about whether it is okay to make embyros in a lab.
One big worry is that if we can make these replica embryos, they might be treated like things we buy and sell. This could cause problems, such as making babies with specific traitsA person's characteristics or qualities. , like in Brave New World.
Another worry is that it might be hard to tell if these lab-made things are the same as real babies. Some people believe that even very early babies have a right to life, no matter how they were made. This raises the question: When does an embryo really start becoming a person. One expert says that as we all started as embryos, we should not use them like tools for a job, even if the job is curing diseases or saving lives.
But not everyone agrees on when a baby becomes a person. Some say there is no clear answer to that question. Scientists explain that these lab-made embryos cannot become real babies - they would not be able to grow in a wombAlso known as the uterus. The organ in which a baby is carried during pregnancy. .
The debate about replica embryos and what is right or wrong is going to keep going for a while. In the UK, scientists can only work on these embryos for 14 days. But because they could help us understand why some mothers lose their babies, why some people have health problems, and how medicine works, some people are wondering if these rules are too strict - or if they are needed to make sure we do the right thing.
<h5 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper" id="question"><strong>Is this morally wrong?</strong></h5>
Yes: Creating replica embryos could lead to the commodificationTurn something into a product to sell. of human life, blur the lines between what is considered human and what is not and lead to the development of new technologies that could be used for unethical purposes.
No: Creating replica embryos could be used to develop new treatments for infertility and genetic diseases. It could also provide a way for couples who are unable to conceive naturally to have a child.
Or... The morality of creating replica embryos is a complex issue where the potential benefits and risks should be weighed alongside the ethical implications of creating replica embryos and the legal and regulatory requirements.
Bokanovskified - In the novel Brave New World, the Bokanovsky process is a method of human reproduction. Fertilised eggs are split into identical copies to create a large, identical workforce.
Proliferate - Increase in number. In botany it refers to developing buds or shoots, and in biology to cellular division.
Embryo - A fertilised egg that is developing into a foetus.
Replica - An exact copy or model of something.
Traits - A person's characteristics or qualities.
Womb - Also known as the uterus. The organ in which a baby is carried during pregnancy.
Commodification - Turn something into a product to sell.
Replica embryo made without sperm or egg

Bokanovskified - In the novel Brave New World, the Bokanovsky process is a method of human reproduction. Fertilised eggs are split into identical copies to create a large, identical workforce.
Proliferate - Increase in number. In botany it refers to developing buds or shoots, and in biology to cellular division.
Embryo - A fertilised egg that is developing into a foetus.
Replica - An exact copy or model of something.
Traits - A person's characteristics or qualities.
Womb - Also known as the uterus. The organ in which a baby is carried during pregnancy.
Commodification - Turn something into a product to sell.