Could it help with real life? Teachers, parents and students all complain school does not teach us to think. Some believe we can fix this with some old ideas.
Put philosophy on syllabus says union
Could it help with real life? Teachers, parents and students all complain school does not teach us to think. Some believe we can fix this with some old ideas.
Have you ever felt confusedUnsure or unable to think clearly about something. at school? Does the news make you sad? The answer might just be philosophyThe study of key questions and knowledge about nature, reality and existence. .
That is what the head of the UK's biggest education trade unionAn organisation of workers who band together to negotiate their wages and working conditions collectively, on grounds that this gives them more bargaining power., Daniel Kebede, thinks.
He believes teachers should have philosophical conversationsWhen two or more people are talking about a topic. with students - about what is happening in the world and in their own lives.
One good place to start, expertsSomeone who knows a lot about a particular subject. think, could be the philosophy of probabilityHow likely something is to happen. The analysis of probability is called statistics. .
In a new book, Cambridge professor David Spiegelhalter points out that failing to understand probability can cause real problems in our lives.
For example, back in 2017, many newspapers reported that burnt toast raises our risk of cancerA disease in which some of the body's cells grow in an uncontrollable way. There are lots of different types of cancer. .
In panic, many people stopped eating anything even slightly burnt. But then Spiegelhalter pointed out that the risk was so small that toast lovers would need to 160 times more toast than they do now before they had a problem.
Could it help with real life?
Yes! Having philosophical talks from a young age will help us to think better, spot fake news, separate fact from fictionThings that are fictional are made up. and understand the risks in our lives.
No! We do not need philosophy lessons at school to have a successful life. You can learn probability through maths lessons.
Confused - Unsure or unable to think clearly about something.
Philosophy - The study of key questions and knowledge about nature, reality and existence.
Trade union - An organisation of workers who band together to negotiate their wages and working conditions collectively, on grounds that this gives them more bargaining power.
Conversations - When two or more people are talking about a topic.
Experts - Someone who knows a lot about a particular subject.
Probability - How likely something is to happen. The analysis of probability is called statistics.
Cancer - A disease in which some of the body's cells grow in an uncontrollable way. There are lots of different types of cancer.
Fiction - Things that are fictional are made up.
Put philosophy on syllabus says union

Confused - Unsure or unable to think clearly about something.
Philosophy - The study of key questions and knowledge about nature, reality and existence.
Trade union - An organisation of workers who band together to negotiate their wages and working conditions collectively, on grounds that this gives them more bargaining power.
Conversations - When two or more people are talking about a topic.
Experts - Someone who knows a lot about a particular subject.
Probability - How likely something is to happen. The analysis of probability is called statistics.
Cancer - A disease in which some of the body's cells grow in an uncontrollable way. There are lots of different types of cancer.
Fiction - Things that are fictional are made up.