Is this a diplomatic incident? Britain is in uproar after an American scientist revealed a recipe for the best possible cup of tea… with salt and lemon juice.
Prof in hot water after advising salt in tea
Is this a diplomatic incident? Britain is in uproar after an American scientist revealed a recipe for the best possible cup of tea... with salt and lemon juice.
What's happening?
An American scientist says the perfect cup of tea should have salt and lemon in it. Many in Britain could not believe it!
The British drink more than 60 billion cups of tea a year. That is more than 900 cups a year for every person.
After the American scientist made headlines, even the USShort for United States (of America). embassyThe workplace of a group of government officials who represent their country in another country. in London stepped in. As a joke, they released a statement saying that adding salt "is not official United States policySet of ideas or plan of action.".
Tea did not actually start out in Britain. In fact, the oldest tea we know about was made in China thousands of years ago.
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According to legendA traditional story told over years and years, but which cannot be proved. , in 2737BC the Chinese EmperorRuler of an empire. Shen Nung was thinking under a tree when a leaf fell from the sky into his servantSomebody who works serving others - especially people who work looking after others houses. 's cup of hot water. Shen Nung decided to taste the mixture, found he rather liked it, and the rest is history.
Yes! A good cup of tea is a British national treasure. It must be defended from salt and lemons.
No! The US embassy was just taking part in a light-hearted joke. It is always good to have something to laugh at - and maybe a bit of salt does make tea better.
Is this a diplomaticNon-violent peacekeeping. Diplomatic means keeping good relations between the governments of different countries. incident?
US - Short for United States (of America).
Embassy - The workplace of a group of government officials who represent their country in another country.
Policy - Set of ideas or plan of action.
Legend - A traditional story told over years and years, but which cannot be proved.
emperor - Ruler of an empire.
Servant - Somebody who works serving others - especially people who work looking after others houses.
Diplomatic - Non-violent peacekeeping. Diplomatic means keeping good relations between the governments of different countries.
Prof in hot water after advising salt in tea
US - Short for United States (of America).
Embassy - The workplace of a group of government officials who represent their country in another country.
Policy - Set of ideas or plan of action.
Legend - A traditional story told over years and years, but which cannot be proved.
emperor - Ruler of an empire.
Servant - Somebody who works serving others — especially people who work looking after others houses.
Diplomatic - Non-violent peacekeeping. Diplomatic means keeping good relations between the governments of different countries.