Music is universal throughout humanity. Experienced and enjoyed across cultures and continents, it has played a vital role in the history of human society – and possibly evolution itself.
Music is universal throughout humanity. Experienced and enjoyed across cultures and continents, it has played a vital role in the history of human society - and possibly evolution itself.
Q: What exactly is music?
A: There is no single definition. But most people agree with author and curator Jeremy Montagu that it is "sound that conveys emotion".
Music has existed for at least 40,000 years of human history and, like language, it is believed to be a universal human trait. No culture has ever been discovered without it.
Q: How did it begin?
The earliest musical instruments ever discovered are around 43,000 years old. They are simple flutes made from bird bone and mammoth ivory. Discovered in the Geissenklosterle in southern Germany, they were some of many personal ornaments belonging to early humans living around the River DanubeThe second longest river in Europe, it runs for 1,770 miles from Germany to Romania. at the time. The caves also contained art and mythical imagery.
But while instruments are the first proven examples of human music, some researchers think it may date back far earlier. Although there is no proof, many agree that song has always existed in some way. For example, a mother humming or crooning to her baby probably predated speech by some time. And as the hominidAny member of the biological family Hominidae - or "great apes". Currently, the four hominid species alive are humans, chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans. voice had fully developed as early as 530,000 years ago, neanderthalsAn extinct hominid species that lived alongside Homo sapiens until around 40,000 years ago. Their ancestry began in Africa, like ours, but neanderthals migrated to Europe and Asia long before humans. They looked like us but were shorter and stockier with angled cheekbones, prominent brows and wide noses. and Homo sapiensThe species to which all modern humans belong. Homo sapiens means "wise man" in Latin. may both have made early music.
Q: Is it just a human thing?
A: Yes and no. Humans are the only species to develop musical instruments - but there are plenty of animals in nature that use song. The most obvious of these is birdsong, a method of communication as old as 66 million years. Birds use song in family groups, as a territorial defence or for the attraction of a mate.
And they are not the only animals to use and recognise songs. Four other primatesThe order of mammals that includes humans, alongside apes like chimpanzees and gorillas. also sing - lemurs, tarsiers, titi monkeys and gibbons. Some experts have noted that all four species form monogamousA form of relationship in which a person or animal has only one spouse at a time - unlike a polygamous relationship, which is common in many other primates. relationships, suggesting that singing itself could be related to the way family groups develop.
Q: What role did it play in early societies?
A: Many researchers are convinced that these flutes were used in religious rituals. Early musical instruments were precious objects that took hours to make. Using only a stone tool, a flute maker would have to split a section of curved ivory or bone along its natural grain. The two halves would then have been hollowed out, carved and fitted together with an airtight seal.
Music may also have played a part in human evolution. The flutes likely helped early humans communicate and form tighter social bonds. Unlike neanderthals, homo sapiens used music to build stronger societies - and ultimately survive while their near cousins went extinct.
Q: What about modern humans?
A: Throughout ancient and modern history, it has been used in sacred ceremonies. In Ancient Greece, music was an important feature of festivals, marriages and funerals. Egyptian temples have scenes showing musicians playing. Early Medieval Europe was filled with Christian, Islamic and Jewish sacred music.
Music has also played a defining role in some of the biggest political movements in history. In the late 19th Century, communists around the world united under the InternationaleA left-wing anthem used as a standard of the socialist movement since the late 19th Century.. In the 1960s, Bob DylanAn American singer and songwriter who released his first album in 1962, aged 20. Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016.'s songs were used by the civil rights movement.
Q: What is the future of music?
A: Music has evolved hugely since early humans first sang on Earth. Instruments have transformed from the ancient flutes in 40000BC to the first-ever electronic instrument - the spooky hands-free thereminAn electronic musical instrument. The pitch is controlled by the movement of the performer's hand towards and away from the circuit - meaning a theremin player never actually touches their instrument. It has featured on albums by Led Zeppelin and the Beach Boys. in 1920. Today, some say the evolution of instruments may have reached its final stage. Contemporary musicians often create their music using nothing but a computer.
But that's not to say music itself will ever stop evolving. This essentially human trait and expression of emotion will keep changing with the people who make it.
River Danube - The second longest river in Europe, it runs for 1,770 miles from Germany to Romania.
Hominid - Any member of the biological family Hominidae - or "great apes". Currently, the four hominid species alive are humans, chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans.
Neanderthals - An extinct hominid species that lived alongside Homo sapiens until around 40,000 years ago. Their ancestry began in Africa, like ours, but neanderthals migrated to Europe and Asia long before humans. They looked like us but were shorter and stockier with angled cheekbones, prominent brows and wide noses.
Homo sapiens - The species to which all modern humans belong. Homo sapiens means "wise man" in Latin.
Primates - The order of mammals that includes humans, alongside apes like chimpanzees and gorillas.
Monogamous - A form of relationship in which a person or animal has only one spouse at a time - unlike a polygamous relationship, which is common in many other primates.
Internationale - A left-wing anthem used as a standard of the socialist movement since the late 19th Century.
Bob Dylan - An American singer and songwriter who released his first album in 1962, aged 20. Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016.
Theremin - An electronic musical instrument. The pitch is controlled by the movement of the performer's hand towards and away from the circuit - meaning a theremin player never actually touches their instrument. It has featured on albums by Led Zeppelin and the Beach Boys.

River Danube - The second longest river in Europe, it runs for 1,770 miles from Germany to Romania.
Hominid - Any member of the biological family Hominidae – or “great apes”. Currently, the four hominid species alive are humans, chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans.
Neanderthals - An extinct hominid species that lived alongside Homo sapiens until around 40,000 years ago. Their ancestry began in Africa, like ours, but neanderthals migrated to Europe and Asia long before humans. They looked like us but were shorter and stockier with angled cheekbones, prominent brows and wide noses.
Homo sapiens - The species to which all modern humans belong. Homo sapiens means "wise man" in Latin.
Primates - The order of mammals that includes humans, alongside apes like chimpanzees and gorillas.
Monogamous - A form of relationship in which a person or animal has only one spouse at a time – unlike a polygamous relationship, which is common in many other primates.
Internationale - A left-wing anthem used as a standard of the socialist movement since the late 19th Century.
Bob Dylan - An American singer and songwriter who released his first album in 1962, aged 20. Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016.
Theremin - An electronic musical instrument. The pitch is controlled by the movement of the performer’s hand towards and away from the circuit – meaning a theremin player never actually touches their instrument. It has featured on albums by Led Zeppelin and the Beach Boys.