Can a villain also be a hero? Two hundred years after his death, Byron is remembered as a great writer who was far from perfect in private.
Poet who was mad, bad and dangerous to know
Can a villain also be a hero? Two hundred years after his death, Byron is remembered as a great writer who was far from perfect in private.
On the morning of 3 March 1812, 24-year-old Lord Byron had little idea what awaited him. The first part of his poem Childe Harold's Pilgrimage had just been publishedMade available for people to buy or read. , he had no great hopes for it. But in fact, he became famous straight away.
Byron was a great poet. But he is also famous due to his scandalousSomething that will cause public outrage, and make people shocked and upset. and heroic life.
George Gordon Byron had a difficult childhood. He was born with a club footWhen a baby is born with a foot or feet that turn inwards. , and was mistreated by his nurse.
But at 10 George unexpectedly became Lord Byron. He went to Cambridge University where he was popular but known for his wild life.
As his fame grew, terrible rumoursA story that is being told, but nobody knows if it is really true or not. Gossip. about him started to spread. He had lots of affairs and was accusedClaim that someone has done something wrong. of mistreating his wife Annabella. He also had huge debtsMoney that you owe to other people or banks. . In 1816 he felt forced to leave England, and he never returned.
A cause which he cared deeply about was independenceBeing able to make your own decisions and free from others' control. for Greece. The country had been part of the Ottoman EmpireAlso known as the Turkish empire, a huge empire that spanned southeast Europe, West Asia and north Africa from the 14th to early 20th Centuries. for nearly 400 years. In 1823 Byron set off to join the Greek freedom fighters, only to die of fever a few months later.
In Greece he is remembered as a hero, with many streets named after him.
Can a villain also be a hero?
Yes! Almost everyone has two sides to them, one heroic and the other less so. Byron's scandalous love life does not make his poetry or his support for Greek independence any less heroic.
No! A hero is someone who leads a moral life and who others can look up to as an example. Byron's shameful treatment of women means that he cannot be a good role model.
Published - Made available for people to buy or read.
Scandalous - Something that will cause public outrage, and make people shocked and upset.
Club foot - When a baby is born with a foot or feet that turn inwards.
Rumours - A story that is being told, but nobody knows if it is really true or not. Gossip.
Accused - Claim that someone has done something wrong.
Debts - Money that you owe to other people or banks.
Independence - Being able to make your own decisions and free from others' control.
Ottoman Empire - Also known as the Turkish empire, a huge empire that spanned southeast Europe, West Asia and north Africa from the 14th to early 20th Centuries.
Poet who was mad, bad and dangerous to know
Published - Made available for people to buy or read.
Scandalous - Something that will cause public outrage, and make people shocked and upset.
Club foot - When a baby is born with a foot or feet that turn inwards.
Rumours - A story that is being told, but nobody knows if it is really true or not. Gossip.
Accused - Claim that someone has done something wrong.
Debts - Money that you owe to other people or banks.
Independence - Being able to make your own decisions and free from others' control.
Ottoman Empire - Also known as the Turkish empire, a huge empire that spanned southeast Europe, West Asia and north Africa from the 14th to early 20th Centuries.