Does all life have purpose? Bedbugs spend most of their time sleeping and drinking human blood. But some think we should not be so harsh to these insects.
Panic in Paris as bedbug invasion hits city
Does all life have purpose? Bedbugs spend most of their time sleeping and drinking human blood. But some think we should not be so harsh to these insects.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">What's happening? </h2>
Ah, Paris! In the daytime, you can walk along the river and stare at the paintings in the Louvre art museum.
At night you can watch the Eiffel TowerAn iron tower in Paris, named after Gustave Eiffel. His company built the tower in the late 1880s. light up and then become the dinner of hundreds of tiny bedbugs living in your mattress.
FranceThe largest country in Western Europe, with a population of over 68 million.'s capital city Paris has been hit by a wave of bedbugs - a type of tiny insect that lives in beds, sofas and carpets and eats human blood.
A study which took place between 2017 and 2022 found that 11% of French homes had been infestedWhen a place is overrun with insects or pests. by the bugs.
To make things worse, scientists think that bedbugs add nothing to the ecosystemA complex network of living things that rely on each other to survive.. They do not pollinateTaking pollen from one plant to another so new seeds can be produced. any plants, and spiders have lots of other insects to eat - so they do not really need bedbugs.
But some say we should have more respectTreat someone as if they are important due to their abilities. for them. They are able to find humans to bite even in the dark. They can survive in deserts and in the cold. They get rid of their skeletons - which are outside their body - after meals.
Does all life have purpose?
Yes! Even the bedbug has some talents. And when you think about how big the universeEverything. Including all of time and space and its contents. is, we humans are tiny too. We should not judge the bedbugs.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Find out more </h2>
No! The bedbug is nothing more than a pest. The world would be a better place if it did not exist at all. It clearly has no good purpose.
Eiffel Tower - An iron tower in Paris, named after Gustave Eiffel. His company built the tower in the late 1880s.
France - The largest country in Western Europe, with a population of over 68 million.
Infested - When a place is overrun with insects or pests.
Ecosystem - A complex network of living things that rely on each other to survive.
Pollinate - Taking pollen from one plant to another so new seeds can be produced.
Respect - Treat someone as if they are important due to their abilities.
Universe - Everything. Including all of time and space and its contents.
Panic in Paris as bedbug invasion hits city

Eiffel Tower - An iron tower in Paris, named after Gustave Eiffel. His company built the tower in the late 1880s.
France - The largest country in Western Europe, with a population of over 68 million.
Infested - When a place is overrun with insects or pests.
Ecosystem - A complex network of living things that rely on each other to survive.
Pollinate - Taking pollen from one plant to another so new seeds can be produced.
Respect - Treat someone as if they are important due to their abilities.
Universe - Everything. Including all of time and space and its contents.