Is revenge always wrong? A new film explores an Australian dad’s secret life as a Nazi hunter. He lost his family in the Holocaust.
Our dad, Holocaust survivor and Nazi killer
Is revenge always wrong? A new film explores an Australian dad's secret life as a Nazi hunter. He lost his family in the Holocaust.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">What's happening? </h2>
Jack, Jon and Sam Green have made a film about their father.
Boris was a HolocaustThe murder of six million Jewish people in Europe by Nazi Germany. Members of other minority groups were also killed. survivor. He was Jewish, and members of his family were among the six million people who were killed by the NazisA German political party of the twentieth century, led by Adolf Hitler. The Nazis controlled Germany from the early 1930s until the end of World War II. during World War TwoA global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945 and included all of the great powers. .
After the war he had become part of Nakam: a JewishRelating or belonging to the religion of Judaism. group fighting back against the Nazis. In 1949, he moved to Australia. Nakam is HebrewThe historical language of the Israelites, Hebrew was revived as a common language for Jewish immigrants in Palestine and later as the official language of Israel. for revengeHurting someone else in return for hurt they have caused..
Revenge: Our Dad the Nazi Killer follows the Green brothers as they find out more about their own father.
After the war, lots of Nazis moved to Australia, knowing they would not be arrestedStopped by the police and taken to a police station. there. In the film, the brothers find out that their father may even have killed some of the Nazis who moved to Australia.
Is revenge always wrong?
Yes! Two wrongs do not make a right. But one wrong often leads to another, then another, then another. We should look towards the future instead.
No! The Holocaust was one of the biggest horrors in human history. It is not surprising that when Nazis went free, some survivors felt like they had to act.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Find out more </h2>
Holocaust - The murder of six million Jewish people in Europe by Nazi Germany. Members of other minority groups were also killed.
Nazis - A German political party of the twentieth century, led by Adolf Hitler. The Nazis controlled Germany from the early 1930s until the end of World War II.
World War Two - A global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945 and included all of the great powers.
Jewish - Relating or belonging to the religion of Judaism.
Hebrew - The historical language of the Israelites, Hebrew was revived as a common language for Jewish immigrants in Palestine and later as the official language of Israel.
Revenge - Hurting someone else in return for hurt they have caused.
Arrested - Stopped by the police and taken to a police station.
Our dad, Holocaust survivor and Nazi killer

Holocaust - The murder of six million Jewish people in Europe by Nazi Germany. Members of other minority groups were also killed.
Nazis - A German political party of the twentieth century, led by Adolf Hitler. The Nazis controlled Germany from the early 1930s until the end of World War II.
World War Two - A global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945 and included all of the great powers.
Jewish - Relating or belonging to the religion of Judaism.
Hebrew - The historical language of the Israelites, Hebrew was revived as a common language for Jewish immigrants in Palestine and later as the official language of Israel.
Revenge - Hurting someone else in return for hurt they have caused.
Arrested - Stopped by the police and taken to a police station.