Are we living in a pre-war age? It has been 85 years since the Nazi regime instigated a violent antisemitic outburst that changed the course of history. Almost a century on, some fear that tensions could spill over once again.
Night of broken glass still haunts Germany
Are we living in a pre-war age? It has been 85 years since the Nazi regime instigated a violent antisemitic outburst that changed the course of history. Almost a century on, some fear that tensions could spill over once again.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">What's happening?</h2>
Kristallnacht, or the "Night of Broken Glass", was an outburst of violence against Germany's Jewish community on the night of the 9th November 1938. Nearly 100 Jews were killed and far more injured. Many lost their livelihoods.
There has been a sharp increase in antisemiticHostile to or prejudiced against Jewish people. violence in the past week. Some fear that we are returning to a dark past where war loomed.
Survivors of that night all have one thing in common: they have never forgotten.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Find out more</h2>
"My whole life, I've never been able to get those pictures out of my head," says Charlotte Knobloch. "The pogromA violent riot with the aim of massacring or forcing out an ethnic group, particularly Jewish people. night took away my childhood," says Ruth Winkelmann.
It is easy to understand why. The memories they have are traumatising. Buildings were burned to the ground, Jewish-owned businesses were destroyed, and even their homes were robbed.
Many fear that antisemitism in Europe is on the rise once again. The Community Security Trust reports that antisemitic incidents in Britain increased by more than 300% last week. Some think that it is a sign that we are inching towards conflict.
<h5 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper" id="question">Are we living in a pre-war age?</h5>
Yes! There are many similarities between how society is now and how it was before the wars of the 20th Century.
No! There is always violence and persecution. We should stand against prejudiceAn idea about something, especially a group of people, that is not based on reality. in all its forms, but there is no sign it will lead to war.
Antisemitic - Hostile to or prejudiced against Jewish people.
Pogrom - A violent riot with the aim of massacring or forcing out an ethnic group, particularly Jewish people.
Prejudice - An idea about something, especially a group of people, that is not based on reality.
Night of broken glass still haunts Germany

Antisemitic - Hostile to or prejudiced against Jewish people.
Pogrom - A violent riot with the aim of massacring or forcing out an ethnic group, particularly Jewish people.
Prejudice - An idea about something, especially a group of people, that is not based on reality.