Is this the answer to Earth’s problems? Jeff Bezos has launched his most powerful rocket yet. He and Elon Musk believe that living in space is the key to our future.
'Millions will be living in space'
Is this the answer to Earth's problems? Jeff Bezos has launched his most powerful rocket yet. He and Elon Musk believe that living in space is the key to our future.
Early yesterday morning, New Glenn achieved lift-off.
It is the first rocket launched by Blue Origin, the commercial space exploration company run by Amazon tycoon Jeff Bezos.
The launch was a victory for Bezos. He has long dreamt of space travel, but had fallen behind fellow tech billionaire Elon Musk, whose SpaceX launched 134 rockets last year.
NasaThe National Aeronautics and Space Administration, responsible for the US space programme. last sent people to the moon in 1972. But Blue Origin and SpaceX have helped revive interest in space travel.
The advances funded by both companies could lead to the time when popping to space is no harder, more expensive or dangerous than hopping on a commuter train.
Both billionaires think people should live in space, Bezos in space stations, Musk in Martian cities.
Many people disagree with this though. Even for the world's richest men, travelling to space and creating liveable environments is incredibly expensive.
No one has ever set foot on Mars, which lacks the air we need to breathe. It is often freezing and there are permanent dust storms.
Is this the answer to Earth's problems?
Yes! The Earth is rapidly running out of road. The only place left to turn is space.
No! Bezos and Musk's projects may enable some lucky people to survive while the rest of humankind remains on a dying planet.
Nasa - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, responsible for the US space programme.
‘Millions will be living in space’

Nasa - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, responsible for the US space programme.