Was there a winner? The first live TV debate in the US presidential election is over. Trump lied but Biden was worse: “freezing, glitching ” says one paper. Is the REAL loser all of the rest of us?
Democrats panic after Biden's shaky debate
Was there a winner? The first live TV debate in the US presidential election is over. Trump lied but Biden was worse: "freezing, glitching " says one paper. Is the REAL loser all of the rest of us?
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"The president appeared meanderingFollowing a winding course, or moving slowly without a clear purpose. , confused, and extremely frailWeak and easily damaged. . Biden's performance was at times almost physically uncomfortable to watch." These are the words of one political commentator this morning.
It was a wild 90 minutes. Last night saw the first major moment of the US presidential electionA vote in which someone is chosen to represent a group of people. : a debate between the two main candidates fighting for the job, Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
Americans will vote on 5 November. This election is very important. The USA is the richest and most powerful country on Earth. Its leader is one of the world's most powerful people. This time around, many think the future of America is on the line.
One one side is current presidentIn some countries, the leader is called the president. Biden, a DemocratA member of the Democratic party, the left-leaning US political party. . Aged 81, he is the oldest president in US history.
On the other side is the Republican PartyAlso known as the Grand Old Party or GOP, it is one of the USA's two major political parties. Its first president was Abraham Lincoln. It sits on the right of the political spectrum.'s Trump, who has been found guilty of a crime and was president between 2016 and 2020.
They have very different ideas for America.
And the result of the election will have effects people all over the world. Far-rightA range of ideologies that emphasise social order, racial purity and the elimination of opponents. parties are on the rise in many Western countries. A Trump victory might make them more confident.
If he decides to pull out of major climate agreements, other countries might do the same.
Was there a winner?
Yes! Trump was simply stronger, bigger and louder. American voters want a tough leader who will have clear things to say. This helps Trump.
No! Americans have already made up their minds. This debate will not change anything. Both men seemed much like they normally do - and so there was no real winner.
Meandering - Following a winding course, or moving slowly without a clear purpose.
Frail - Weak and easily damaged.
Election - A vote in which someone is chosen to represent a group of people.
President - In some countries, the leader is called the president.
Democrat - A member of the Democratic party, the left-leaning US political party.
Republican Party - Also known as the Grand Old Party or GOP, it is one of the USA's two major political parties. Its first president was Abraham Lincoln. It sits on the right of the political spectrum.
Far-right - A range of ideologies that emphasise social order, racial purity and the elimination of opponents.
Democrats panic after Biden’s shaky debate

Meandering - Following a winding course, or moving slowly without a clear purpose.
Frail - Weak and easily damaged.
Election - A vote in which someone is chosen to represent a group of people.
President - In some countries, the leader is called the president.
Democrat - A member of the Democratic party, the left-leaning US political party.
Republican Party - Also known as the Grand Old Party or GOP, it is one of the USA's two major political parties. Its first president was Abraham Lincoln. It sits on the right of the political spectrum.
Far-right - A range of ideologies that emphasise social order, racial purity and the elimination of opponents.