Should school start later? Some think we are setting teenagers up to fail with early hours in the classroom. There is a growing campaign to start lessons later.
Lack of sleep is a health crisis says expert
Should school start later? Some think we are setting teenagers up to fail with early hours in the classroom. There is a growing campaign to start lessons later.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">What's happening? </h2>
It is a memory we all have. Lying back in bed, trying to catch a few more minutes of sleep in the morning. But suddenly the curtains are opened as someone wakes you up for school.
For teenagers, it is a common theme. Being moody, tired and sleeping all the time are labelled as "just what teens are like". But some expertsSomeone who knows a lot about a particular subject. say that schools are to blameResponsible for a bad thing happening. .
Teenage brains create the sleep hormoneChemicals carried in the bloodstream that alter the way your body's systems act. later at night than kids' and adults' brains. This means that teenagers often go to bed later and wake-up later.
Even so, many have to be at school for 8am. It means that many teenagers get much less sleep than they need.
One study showed that when students in their mid-teens started school at 10am instead of 8.30am, they did better at school and even became ill less often.
Today, only one in three secondary school students in the UK gets enough sleep during the week. Just a half-hour delayWhen something happens later than it was planned., some say, could make all the difference.
Should school start later?
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Find out more </h2>
Yes! Teenagers would be happier and healthier if school started later. And it would help teachers too - teenagers are too sleepy to learn at 8am.
No! Teenagers might just go to bed even later if they knew they did not have to wake up early. This would not change anything - and it would be very unhelpful for working parents if school times changed.
Experts - Someone who knows a lot about a particular subject.
Blame - Responsible for a bad thing happening.
Hormone - Chemicals carried in the bloodstream that alter the way your body's systems act.
Delay - When something happens later than it was planned.
Lack of sleep is a health crisis says expert

Experts - Someone who knows a lot about a particular subject.
Blame - Responsible for a bad thing happening.
Hormone - Chemicals carried in the bloodstream that alter the way your body's systems act.
Delay - When something happens later than it was planned.