Could two men have children one day? Chinese scientists have created mice without mothers. Some think this could have a huge impact on the way we live.
Lab creates mouse with two fathers
Could two men have children one day? Chinese scientists have created mice without mothers. Some think this could have a huge impact on the way we live.
What is small, squeaky and has two fathers?
Scientists in China have managed to create a mouse with two fathers and no mother. They put together geneticRelating to genes. Each of us has around 20,000 to 25,000 genes. We inherit them from our parents. Although most of our genes are the same as everyone else's, the small differences make us unique. material from two male mice to create an embryoA fertilised egg that is developing into a foetus..
Nearly all animals have male and female members. They have children after a female egg is fertilisedJoin an egg with male reproductive material to cause new life to grow. by the male.
But now scientists are finding ways to create animals with two same-sex parents.
Scientists have tried to do this before and failed. Many of the babies have died shortly after being born due to health problems. Those that become adults cannot have their own offspringChildren..
But this is still a big moment. We have managed with mice. Will we soon be able to create new humans with two biological mothers or fathers, rather than one of each?
This could change the way we live.
Same-sex couples are currently unable to have their own children where both are biological parents. They need help from another man or woman. This would change that.
It could also change the roles mothers and fathers play in the life of children.
But scientists say this is a long way off for now. Science writer Helen Pitcher says: "For the foreseeableEvents that can be known or guessed about before they happen. future at least, the process is too unpredictable to consider using on humans."
Could two men have children one day?
Yes! It may not be tomorrow or the day after. But scientists are making progress all the time. The age of human babies with two biological fathers, or no biological father at all, may be just around the corner.
No! It is one thing to create a mouse with two fathers. But it is a very different thing to create a human with two biological fathers. Until we know they will definitely be healthy, we cannot do it.
Genetic - Relating to genes. Each of us has around 20,000 to 25,000 genes. We inherit them from our parents. Although most of our genes are the same as everyone else's, the small differences make us unique.
Embryo - A fertilised egg that is developing into a foetus.
Fertilised - Join an egg with male reproductive material to cause new life to grow.
Offspring - Children.
Foreseeable - Events that can be known or guessed about before they happen.
Lab creates mouse with two fathers

Genetic - Relating to genes. Each of us has around 20,000 to 25,000 genes. We inherit them from our parents. Although most of our genes are the same as everyone else’s, the small differences make us unique.
Embryo - A fertilised egg that is developing into a foetus.
Fertilised - Join an egg with male reproductive material to cause new life to grow.
Offspring - Children.
Foreseeable - Events that can be known or guessed about before they happen.