Do reparations cause more harm than good? King Charles III's family once used slave labour. Now, many Caribbean countries say he should pay up for the wrongdoings of the past.
King Charles faces cash demands over slavery
Do reparations cause more harm than good? King Charles III's family once used slave labour. Now, many Caribbean countries say he should pay up for the wrongdoings of the past.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">What's happening? </h2>
Britain took part in slave labour for 400 years. There were 46,000 British slave owners. Slaves are people who are forced to work without pay. They are not allowed to leave. Many slaves were taken to the CaribbeanThe region made up of the Caribbean Sea and its islands, including the West Indies. .
It is difficult to put into words just how much hurt slavery caused. Some think that now is the time for Britain and other European countries to pay Caribbean nations for the sufferingGoing through pain or hard times. they caused. These payments are called reparationsProviding payment to make amends for a wrongdoing. .
For the Caribbean nations writing letters to European, Britain's crimes amount to £18 trillion - and King Charles, whose family had links to the trade of slaves, is in the spotlight.
<h2 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper">Find out more </h2>
Lots of key groups in the UK once took part in slavery, from the Church of England to the Bank of England. King Charles's family used slave labour to grow tobaccoA substance smoked in cigarettes. It contains nicotine, which is addictive. in the USA.
Some say that Britain and other European countries already pay a form of reparations - in aid money to the Caribbean. But others think the money should be given freely, without rules attached.
Others say that giving reparations would not be simple. It was Britain's richest families and groups that owned slaves. But if the UK's leaders set aside money to pay Caribbean nations, people who are struggling for money in Britain may lose out.
<h5 class="wp-block-heading eplus-wrapper" id="question"><strong>Do reparations cause more harm than good?</strong></h5>
Yes! It is not easy to point to a crime hundreds of years ago and give it a value now. Nobody who is alive now caused slavery to happen. And this huge sum of money might hurt poorer Britons.
No! Britain was built on the money that came from the work of slaves. It is time for Britain to say sorry, and do what it can to make things right.
Caribbean - The region made up of the Caribbean Sea and its islands, including the West Indies.
Suffering - Going through pain or hard times.
Reparations - Providing payment to make amends for a wrongdoing.
Tobacco - A substance smoked in cigarettes. It contains nicotine, which is addictive.
King Charles faces cash demands over slavery

Caribbean - The region made up of the Caribbean Sea and its islands, including the West Indies.
Suffering - Going through pain or hard times.
Reparations - Providing payment to make amends for a wrongdoing.
Tobacco - A substance smoked in cigarettes. It contains nicotine, which is addictive.