Should parents be guilty for their children’s crimes? In a historic first, the parents of school shooter Ethan Crumbley have been sentenced to a minimum of ten years in prison for "involuntary homicide".
Killer's mum and dad face decade in prison
Should parents be guilty for their children's crimes? In a historic first, the parents of school shooter Ethan Crumbley have been sentenced to a minimum of ten years in prison for "involuntary homicide".
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In the Book of EzekielOne of the major books in the Christian Bible, recording visions of the prophet Ezekiel. , it is written that "the son will not bear the punishment for the sin of the father, nor will the father bear the punishment for the sin of the son".
But now, the law (at least in some places) says otherwise. For the first time in history, two parents have faced charges of homicideWhen one person kills another. for a school shooting committed by their child. Many think that this case could be used as a precedentAn earlier event that is seen as an example or guide to be considered in later similar circumstances. in future cases.
In two separate trials, jurors found each parent of MichiganA state in the northern USA. school shooter Ethan Crumbley guilty of involuntary manslaughterThe crime of killing another human either without meaning to, or in circumstances that are not as serious as murder. after the court heard that they had purchased a gun for him despite clear signs that his mental health was getting worse.
It concerns one of the most pressing issues in US society. 2023 saw 82 school shootings, the highest number in recent history.1
Should it be a crime to raise a criminal? A significant body of research links poor parenting to youth crime, suggesting that it could be a key tool in America's long battle against school shootings, the majority of which are committed by teens and young adults.2
"Punish the parents" laws have been batted around for over a century, with many arguing that they would radically reduce juvenileA juvenile is a child or young person who is not yet old enough to be regarded as an adult. crime, alongside encouraging parents to take more responsibility for their children's mental health.
Others are less convinced by this solution. They say that gun violence is ultimately a systemicSomething that is deeply rooted in a system or society. problem, not down to individual parents. Instead of blaming the parents, we need safer gun control laws.
Some even argue that assuming parental responsibility for juvenile crime is classistThe belief that people from certain social or economic classes are superior to others.. Children can become inclined towards crime for many reasons, but there is a strong positive correlationA connection between two things in which one thing changes as the other does, but it is not necessarily the case that one thing has caused the other to change. between poverty and criminality.
Parents of children growing up in poverty often grew up in poverty themselves. Many think it would be unfair to hold them responsible for what is ultimately a social problem.
Should parents be guilty for their children's crimes?
Yes: We need to instil a greater sense of responsibility in parents towards their children. Too many people act like they have no ability to restrict the harmful content their children are consuming, or to take responsibility for their mental health.
No: It is at best nonsensical, and at worst discriminatoryTreating people unfairly due to characteristics such as gender, race and age. . Sometimes, society is at fault. The US needs stricter gun control measures, not punishment for parents.
Or... Each situation has its own complexities. Nowadays, parents cannot reasonably prevent children from coming across violent content online. And sometimes poor mental health or aggression are seemingly not linked to environment at all.
Book of Ezekiel - One of the major books in the Christian Bible, recording visions of the prophet Ezekiel.
Homicide - When one person kills another.
Precedent - An earlier event that is seen as an example or guide to be considered in later similar circumstances.
Michigan - A state in the northern USA.
Manslaughter - The crime of killing another human either without meaning to, or in circumstances that are not as serious as murder.
Juvenile - A juvenile is a child or young person who is not yet old enough to be regarded as an adult.
Systemic - Something that is deeply rooted in a system or society.
Classist - The belief that people from certain social or economic classes are superior to others.
Correlation - A connection between two things in which one thing changes as the other does, but it is not necessarily the case that one thing has caused the other to change.
Discriminatory - Treating people unfairly due to characteristics such as gender, race and age.
Killer’s mum and dad face decade in prison
Book of Ezekiel - One of the major books in the Christian Bible, recording visions of the prophet Ezekiel.
Homicide - When one person kills another.
Precedent - An earlier event that is seen as an example or guide to be considered in later similar circumstances.
Michigan - A state in the northern USA.
Manslaughter - The crime of killing another human either without meaning to, or in circumstances that are not as serious as murder.
Juvenile - A juvenile is a child or young person who is not yet old enough to be regarded as an adult.
Systemic - Something that is deeply rooted in a system or society.
Classist - The belief that people from certain social or economic classes are superior to others.
Correlation - A connection between two things in which one thing changes as the other does, but it is not necessarily the case that one thing has caused the other to change.
Discriminatory - Treating people unfairly due to characteristics such as gender, race and age.